Dangers Lurk Everywhere

As one of the most dangerous places throughout the whole Chaos Universe, the Extreme Void Belts weren't a place that anyone could enter and exit as one pleased.

Just like the Nine Rings of the Chaos Universe, the Nine Extreme Void Belts was ranked from the weakest to strongest with the 9th Extreme Void Belt being the weakest.

Despite being the weakest of all the Extreme Void Belts, the 9th Extreme Void Belt was still a place to be fear; even peak 3rd or 4th Life Transition beings were no exceptions. In this place, carelessness would only result in death.

Each one of the Extreme Void Belts had its characteristic and danger. For example, unlike the other Extreme Void Belts, the 9th Extreme Void Belt was an endless dark void that was filled with innumerable black holes. Each one of them was bigger and more terrifying than the other.