Ling Chen’s Second Battle Body

The sheer size of the void beast made it looked a giant planet floating in the darkness. Its body was simply illogically huge and its wide-open jaw was like a giant black hole.

Aside from its mountainous size, it didn't look that much different from the other void beast that they've encountered. It was like a giant dark octopus with millions of tentacles.

Its humongous body was emanating a powerful life force. With a single glance, Ling Chen could tell this void beast had already broken through the 2nd Life Transition in terms of life force and blood essence.

Even though Ling Chen did his best to hide his emotions, he was still unable to hide the fear and the horrified expression on his face.

However, his fear soon turned into relief and then anger and rage. His expression was chilling to the extreme. It felt as if a storm was coming.

He coldly looked at the giant void and said ."Filthy giant worm, you deserve to die!"