Sweet and Slow *

[Warning: This chapter contains smut/snu snu. Read at your own risk.]

He nipped at the edge of the band, his lips spread into a wide smile. He tugged on them but it wasn't easy for the panty to come down with such little force.

Feeling impatient, Katherine reached down and pushed the sides a little down, aiding him in his quest to take the panties off. He took a little time to get to panties to her ankles before he moved them out of the way. He kissed a trail up her leg to her core, lavishing the sight of her panting at his beck and call.

"Sweet and slow," he teased before his mouth clasped over her sex, his tongue already at the opening, coaxing it to open. He used his fingers to spread open her lips and drew in intensely. She gripped onto the counter for dear life, knowing that she would collapse, her knees giving away, if she let go. This kind of pleasure was known to her and she knew exactly what it would do.