Sound Like a Vixen

"Ask Angelina to go with you."

"I already asked her and she has a shoot that morning. She can't make it." There was a slight pause. "I will buy you the latest brushes for your work, I promise."

She did need a new set of brushes to up her work. Her style might get stale if she didn't constantly renovate it and cater to her clients.

"If it is anything below 100 dollars, don't bother to ask me to go," Katherine strategically bargained.

"You're spending time with your friend and being so stingy about it? Who would have thought that you were so easy to convince. All you need is money." Lily nudged Katherine. "Lower the price."

"You are the one who is money-driven. I learned it from you. 120 or nothing…" she deadpanned.

"This is highway robbery."

"If you want I can raise it to 150," she said smugly, giving Lily the side-eye.