Make Men Swoon

"You would think that years in the industry would teach me how to spot an asshole, but I was on cloud nine that he had considered me so I went ahead with the whole charade." She rolled her eyes.

"It gets worse?" Katherine squeaked. She had a fair share of horror stories in her industry, but nothing compared to the stories that Lily and Angelina sometimes brought home. From grabby hands to hours of torturous posing, they had all the stories.

"He got me into those Lady Gaga-esque shoes that go on for miles and wanted me to skip around on boxes of various heights." Gasps filled the room.

"Did you fall?" Lily cringed.

"I sure as hell did. Thank god the assistant was nearby and helped me or else I would have broken my ankle in the very least." She shuddered at the thought.

"And what number change was this?" Lily asked. "This man needs a whiplashing for putting you through that."