Threatening Bodily Harm

His manager ignored him and gunned the engine. "No, I'm not. We are going over to her place," he said sternly.

'This can't be happening. I can't take more humiliation.' "Turn the car around. Let's go home."

"For once, listen to me. I am doing this as your friend and I know that you will regret not going." His manager said. "I am going against everything in me as your manager to do this for you. Because I care for you, you little bastard," he gritted through his teeth.

"This isn't funny. It's over. She thinks I lied to her and went behind her back to date somebody." He was sweating even though the temperature in the car was not that bad.

"And you're going to be a child about it and not tell her the truth? Don't you want a chance to explain?" The way these words were said made Cage feel like a brat. He wasn't wrong. Katherine had called him a liar and a cheat like she was comparing him to her ex-boyfriend Jonathan, and he didn't appreciate it.