My Girl

"I was going to call you tonight," she admitted. 

"What prompted that?" he asked curiously.

"Don't get jealous again," she warned. "Barry listened to me and advised me to call you and fix things. He made me really see that I was wrong." She frowned. "Lily had tried, but hearing a complete stranger say it really hit me hard. Someone who didn't know me well could see I was hurting and in denial, but there I was unable to accept what was truly happening."Cage remained quiet. 

"It seems that I owe a lot to this Barry guy." He chuckled suddenly, startling her. "I thought his name was boring and that he was a pervert. I was just jealous." He waved it off. 

"I never thought I would say this, but I like that you care enough to be jealous. Mind you, I wouldn't want you going caveman on me, but I know what I did was wrong and you deserve to feel badly about it. I'm surprised you are taking this so well." Katherine looked at him with wonder.