Big as my Personality

'What a cocky little bastard,' Angelina thought. For a second, she forgot about her situation. 

"Why don't you show me then?" she demanded. It was the anger speaking. She didn't take into account his reaction. He moved swiftly, grabbing her. They were making out right there in front of everyone, devouring each other's faces. 

Angelina wasn't fighting, instead she was holding onto him for dear life. 

Katherine just gaped at them as Cage cursed under his breath. 

"I called it!" Lily said, laughing her ass off. "This was bound to happen. So much for being heartbroken over a child." She scoffed. 

Angelina and Stephen broke apart after some time and both straightened their clothes. 

"I was asking you to take me for a ride in your car, dipshit," she seethed. Did she have to put it that way? She seemed to have enjoyed it a lot. 

"Of course. Only if you take me to the club." She shook her head.