Watch The Stars

"Do you think I am insane? Why would I push you away from my side?" She rolled her eyes. "You can call the psychiatric ward and sign me up if I ever say anything of the sort. I give you full authority."

"I'll draw up a contract to bind you to your words," he said, pretending to be serious. "Do you want me to record you saying it, just in case?" 

"Here I thought you would like to record me when I come," she said coyly. She hunched over his lap and got the plate from the other side. He was blinking, stunned for a second before he regained composure. 

"Little girl, don't play with fire," he warned, his voice scratchy with need. "Anyway, most of my life is on camera, so I am not a fan of recording my private time, especially if it is with you." He was avoiding the topic of intimacy in this conversation which was fascinating to Katherine. But she understood. "But I would take videos if you want me to," he tried to say it lightly.