Call Him Daddy

"Well, they would keep you safe, but I would be jealous that they spend time with you." There he was, the guy she liked so much. 

"Still want to get a bodyguard?" she laughed. 

"If it keeps you safe," he said seriously. "But I believe you. If the need ever arises, I can always arrange for someone to keep you safe." 

"You don't need to worry about that nincompoop. He wouldn't hurt a fly... He is mostly scared I will take a knife to him and make sure he can't reproduce." Lily flashed Cage a smile. With friends like these, Cage could rest assured. Slightly.

Okay, that was enough about creepy men. Cage was getting more worried and she couldn't blame him for it. She had not been around when Keira was trying to get him, but she could imagine that she would have gone beserk trying to protect him. 

So, she had to change the topic. 

"Did you have a good time at Jared's?" she asked.