Show Respect

"Good job. Why don't you sign up for WWE in place of being a model? I see a bright future ahead of you," Lily said in a scathing voice. "Did you get a good grilling from the police?"

"Male officers," Angelina said, as if that was an explanation. "They stared at me for a while and then stared at my boobs some more. It wasn't much of a problem." Stephen shook his head from the side. 

"She didn't say much because she was exercising her right to stay silent. And no, even though her perfect tits are enough to make any grown man beg at her feet." 

"Your flattery won't get you anywhere," Angelina hissed. Katherine looked at her friend critically and knew that Angelina was a little appeased by the compliment. 

"I talked to them and explained the situation, contacted some people. It was fine. Took us the whole night, but the charges were dropped and I drove her home." Stephen chose to ignore her.