Keeping Her Hostage

"Uh... what are you doing here?" Lily asked. She looked much calmer than she actually felt. "As you can see, we are going somewhere. We don't have time for this." This was said to the brother and sister pair. Then Lily turned to Katherine. "We still have some packing left to do, right? Will go be a darling and finish that?" 

Katherine blanked for a moment. What was that supposed to mean?

Yes, lesbian parents of a teenage girl. 

Take the opportunity to make Angelina stay in her room. 

She quickly made her way to Angelina's room. Not bothering to knock, she barrelled in and locked the door behind her.

Angelina heard her door bang and jumped in fright. 

"What the fuck?" she swore. Katherine lurched forward, pressing her palms against Angelina's mouth, muffling her words.