Clear Your Dues

Cage woke up to the noise of the alarm setting off. He felt disoriented for a minute before he grumbled. "Just a little more," he said, burying his head in the pillow. 

The noise continued. It didn't help with his headache and he moaned, asking Katherine to turn it off. There was no reply. The noise continued. He pulled his head out of the pillow and reached out to scowl at the clock. He hadn't even known it was there. And he surely didn't set an alarm on it. He smacked on the thing, hoping it would die, and eventually, it did. 

It was eight in the morning. At first, he thought that the others were fucking with him, but then he realized that the other side of the bed was empty. He pressed his hand on the sheets to find them cold. 

For a second, fear gripped his heart. Had it all been a dream? He shook his head. Maybe she had woken up at an ungodly hour. 

Yeah, that must have been it.