Bring It On

She locked the cellphone, threw it on the bed before staring the next part of her plan. 

She quickly pulled off her jeans, top and bra, throwing them to a side before pulling on a white shirt from the pile. It was a designer shit and she opted to leave it unbuttoned, barely letting it cover her goods. Her brightly colored panties were a stark contrast to the shirt, making the sight even more alluring. She took her phone in her hand and stood in front of the mirror, snapping a picture. Seeing that Lily had left shortly before Laurence and Ian, she made sure that the picture was good quality.

[K: I think it looks pretty good on me.] She wrote and attached the photo before sending it. 

She knew he would love it. And he did. A couple of minutes passed by before her phone pinged again. She was in his shirt still, the buttons now done as she sat in front of her laptop and transferred all the footage to it.