Pair Of Lovebirds

"Stephen thinks highly of his mother and offered her up to you as family. He is a good judge of character. Don't worry about that." Katherine had no other option than to reassure. "You're in a relationship with Stephen. You can always maintain your distance with his mother if things aren't great. Or you could break up with him," Katherine suggested slyly to see how Angelina would react.

"I'm not breaking up with him even if he is the devil incarnate," she responded stubbornly, huffing and puffing as she complained about her friend being unsupportive.

"If you're so sure about him, then why are you getting scared of meeting his mother. The outcome is set. You are not breaking up with Stephen. Anything else, you can find a solution to. You have the ending of the story, so you don't need to make yourself anxious over nothing."