Got Lucky

 Katherine didn't know what possessed her to do it. Maybe curiosity? Or masochism… She needed to know what people were saying about her. No, not her as an 'influencer' but as Cage's significant other. Nobody knew her identity and she really thought it wouldn't hurt her. She went on forums and news articles searching through the comments and chats to see what they were saying about her.

She braced herself for the impact as she went in.

[Imagine settling for a nobody when he could have any woman in the world. Maybe the tryst with Keira has traumatized him too much. He should definitely resolve his underlying issues with her and get back together.]

Katherine blinked in surprise. Well, she expected people to call her a nobody because that was exactly who she was but to condemn him and his mental health, telling him that he should get together with Keira. She didn't expect any fans to talk this way about their idol.