Knight In Shining Armor

"You mean… they went on to other juicy news?" she asked, confused. He nodded. "I feel slightly undermined!" she exclaimed. "I think our relationship is exciting. Not that I want them tailing you. Wouldn't want to punch the paparazzi in the face."

"What do we have here? You have discovered a rebellious side to you! I must warn you, though. Don't punch those bloodsuckers. They sue. I'll help you have fun, if that is what you want, though!" he drawled naughtily.

"I sense some hostility there," she sang. "Don't worry about it. Lily took care of them."

Cage's brow scrunched in confusion. "Is she going around punching people? Should I know about this? I don't want to be an accomplish to serial violence," he joked. Well, if he wasn't famous… or mostly able to control his emotions, he would punch those faceless bastards who upset Katherine, too.