Look Like Fun

[K: Mr. Cavanaugh, you've been found out. All the participants and staff members are talking about you being at the championship. Some of them think you are a surprise guest. Which would be really cool. Compared to Laurence, I would have you as my guest any day.]

Anna was looking at him with curiosity so he turned the phone towards her.

"You knew this would happen. You informed them beforehand, so they should handle it," his mother reminded him. He nodded and just hoped that he could stay until the end without outing Katherine.

[C: Word travelled fast, I see. Everyone is being respectful for the most part. I don't think the media will get wind of this. Fingers crossed.]

There were hushed words being uttered from behind them.

"Say something," a girl hissed.

"No, you!" another girl retorted behind him. Cage froze up for a second before relaxing. He was used to this. He just needed to get out of his personal time to show his professional face.