Breathless and Intoxicated

After a few minutes, she saw Cage jogging towards her. She smiled and waved at him, almost like she was seeing him for the first time that day. They walked in hand in hand, not needing to show their ID because they looked old enough. 

Thank god for small miracles.

The bar was stretched along one wall, with very few people, while the rest of the room had a wide variety of arcade games. There were a couple of people competing in some of the games, but otherwise, the place was pretty empty. 

They looked around for a bit, spotting their favorite games before heading over to the bar. She was too preoccupied to even see where she was headed. He took her by the hand and guided her to the bar, making her sit down and taking his place in the stool beside her. 

"What do you want?" he asked tentatively as he eyed the waiter. Her eyes moved to him. She hadn't quite moved on from the games, but when she saw his face, her expression melted and she sighed.