Yielding To Him *

Within seconds, one of his fingers was pressing inside her, the delicious pressure and the swirl of his tongue over her clit driving her insane. She whimpered as he pumped, mercilessly pushing into her. She arched off as he plunged another finger into her.

He moved around, trying to get into a comfortable position and found himself pressing her down with his hands to keep her from moving. With the sensitive bud in his mouth, he licks and sucks get more intense. She wanted to cry. His face was completely against her and she could feel every ridge of his tongue on her. The vibration of his hum shot through her body and her eyes widened. She looked down at him to see his eyes closed and a look of pleasure on his face. 

Was he singing against her pussy? Seriously? 

She wanted to chuckle, but all she could do was tug at his hair. 

He pulled away, his fingers stilling inside her. She bucked a little, trying to feel the friction inside her.