Above And Beyond

Cage wondered how he messed up. He felt like an idiot of the biggest proportion. "I'm so sorry," he apologized. 

"It's not your fault," she reassured, despite how shaken she was. She snuggled into him and he closed his eyes as he held her. Having her in his arms had dissipated some of his fear now that he knew she was alright. He hadn't realized how wound up he had been on the phone calls until this very moment. 

"What happened with the photographs?" Katherine asked softly. 

"Sit down. I'll tell you." He pulled back and slipped an arm around her, leading her into the bedroom. "Do you need to see a doctor for your leg?" he asked, worried as he looked at how she was limping. 

"I just twisted it. I asked for ice already, it's on its way."

"It was really bad out there from what I saw," Cage mumbled. 

"Did they chase you, too?" she panicked. She turned swiftly and looked over him to see if he was hurt.