Not Allowed In

"So, you and Giselle..." Mark said, drawing the attention back to himself. "I thought you were with Katherine, but rumors are flying around about you and... Giselle."

His voice was tight. Not mad, just forced. 

"No, Giselle and I are friends," Cage tried to remain casual. So far, Mark had done nothing threatening, so Cage was unsure why he felt so scared.

"Why her, though? You could act with so many other people who could help you grow, but you brought her back instead." Mark shook his head. "And Katherine, she's so plain and... I mean, Keira wasn't the best person for you either but at least she was beautiful and famous. She could have helped you out in your career."

Cage checked himself. There was a flare of irritation running through him. He was used to such questions being thrown around but he had to be particularly careful when talking to crew members.