Aron Clark

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〖 Year: 2040 〗

〖 Timeline: Original 〗

〖 Place: New York City, NY, US 〗

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Aron Clark: The Unsuccessful Mentor.

A Genius Scientist.

Aron Clark was the World's Leading Climate Change Researcher in the Whole World. Till 2020, that is. He had predicted at the doom of Earth if humans continued our shenanigans at the current rate, Earth would be doomed by 2300 in most of the countries and wrote many theses on how to prevent that.

But, After a certain Dumb President had 'fired' his department of researchers, he did not have the access to the super computers and other equipments. He couldn't predict accurately anymore. He started writing reports on the internet as a hobby. He had enough money to live for the rest of his life.

But somewhere in his heart, he wanted to work. He wanted to predict. He liked when his programs produced accurate results. Then the government started enforcing various projects which, even without his level of intellect, he could predict that it would bring the Doom Day nearer.

He tried to spread the information to as many people as possible. He tried to reach as many people as possible. All for a naught. Most didn't listen. Some did listen but were brainwashed by the Government. All the blogs he wrote were removed. His I/P address was banned. His bank accounts were seized. He was arrested on the charge of:

〖 Crime: 1st Grade Treason 〗

〖 Details: Spreading blasphemous information, attempting to bring huge losses to the nation 〗

〖 Punishment: Execution by Electric Chair 〗

He was on death row for over fifteen years. Today is the day when this man gets executed.

〖 Place: Riverbend Maximum Security Institution, Nashville, Tennessee 〗

〖 Date: March 24, 2040 〗

〖 Time: 16:23 〗

A middle-aged man was tied to the infamous Electric Chair. Even with his ragged appearance, you could see that he had a handsome face with sharp eyes that could scare anyone.

In front of him were prison guards. Among them were an young man that looked totally out of place. He wore grand clothes and had many expensive accessories.

He looked like a rich second generation, as people call it.

He had a mocking smile on his face. He was one of the main reason all of this was happening to Aron. He always liked to listen to his dad about how their family could be the the ruler of his world.

He liked it.

Ever since he was reunited with his dad after the 2020 Election, he was mesmerised by his ideals, vision and mission. His father was one of the first people to lead US to the Economic Beehemoth it became. Even though it was one of the richest and developed countries in the world before 2020, it became the undisputed superpower in the world.

He was the alpha. Even though he's over 90 years old now, he's undoubtedly the strongest man on Earth according to the public.

Tonald Dump. The Patriarch of the Dump Family: Believed to be the family holding the most authority over the whole world, it's economy, power and....


〖 Date: November 10, 2020 〗

Tonald was reelected as the 46th President of the USA. There were thousands, if not tens of thousands of Democrats that were against him.

Well, I may have exaggerated a bit but the number was too huge to count. It was Big Data Analysis' Algorithms had to be remodeled and refined so that they could analyze the votes of these people. People theorised that this was the reason, the election results came a few days later than usual. Just a rumor though that was famous on twitter in 2021. Don't get on my back for that.

〖 Date: April 1, 2021 〗

Tonald Dump's Cabinet was dissolved. New, young and unknown people were assigned in every Ministry. When people saw their names, they were shocked. They all had one thing in common.

The last name: DUMP.

People tried to revolt but they were suppressed by the Government.

Some were given threats.

Some disappeared.

Some were executed in PUBLIC.

It was the first time for many years in the US, that many people realized that instead of Government working for the public, the Public was working for the Government.

Even though this was true in the past, It was not to this extent. It was more subtle.

〖 Back to the Current Scene 〗

This man was one of the worse, if not the worst minister in the Government. But he was always praised in his family for his exemplary work.

Gray Dump. The Minister of Homeland Security.

He was one of the most beloved sons of Tonald Dump. He was in charge of 'taking care' of rebels. This was one of the secretive jobs of his ministry.

He usually doesn't go to execution of rebels but today was a special day. Aron Clark was going to be executed. He was to take care that nothing wrong would happen. Aron Clark had the history of psychological manipulation of prison guards, wardens and even f***ing executives. His speech was so articulate that he had become one of the men that almost 'stopped' the grand plan of Tonald.

Even though Gray was liking seeing this man like this, he held the remote tightly and ready to press the button.

The Chief Executioner asked: "Any last words, Dr. Clark?"

Aron Clark started to speak: "Well, you see. Tonald's plan has already succeeded. Even if you don't execute me, I don't have the power to do anything. Why kill me and have the possibility to go to hell? Let's separate our ways from now, shall we?"

The Chief Executioner started to agree with Aron in his heart as he heard him. Even Gray had a bit of unsettlement in his eyes. But Gray had got a SSS-Grade Order from his father and snapped out of it.

He pressed the button.

Aron could feel electrons moving in his body. His nerves started to overdrive. Huge amounts of current started sending ways of excruciating pain to his brain.

He didn't scream though. He didn't show any signs of pain.

His body started to become brownish, his hair was all messy. His body stopped moving.

He died.

The Butterfly flapped it's wings at the same time as Aron and two others died.