God Anubis Was Caught Gossiping

"Your brother was devastated from losing you." Lady Inari was solemn. She sensed the profound sadness from the young man.

"Can you make sure he is ok?" Takehiko was kowtowed to the Gods in front of him. he could not control his tears for his lonely brother who devoted his life for his family only to be left alone in the world.

"You must had loved your brother very much." King Yan was solemn, he had a lot of souls that he had judged in the underworld and the ones that have strong familial bonds were the toughest to pass judgement on going for reincarnation. The Takeda brothers were hardworking siblings especially when they got orphaned, the Fukujin should have taken notice of them since Japan is their domain. King Yan looked at Lady Inari and gave a meaningful glance.

"We will. Stop crying now dear child." Lady Inari gave a gentle smile to the grieving soul of Takehiko.

Takehiko looked to the Gods and their sympathetic gazes brought consolation to his soul. He gave few minutes to compose himself, his brother would definitely be mad seeing his rash state. 'Ryuji-niisan would be scolding me' He thought. After 10 minutes he sat up and politely apologized "I apologize for my rude manner almighty ones."

Lady Sefie's eyes twinkled brightly and whispered. "Hubby, this is why I we have to pick more polite souls, they are quite composed." She smiled brightly to the middle-aged man beside him.

"Whatever you want my lovely wife, we will follow." Hades whispered back and kissed Lady Sefie's cheek. The goddess blushed with this unexpected attack.

'Surely the God Hades loved spoils his wife tremendously.' Takehiko thought but it was cut short by the protesting King Yan. "Senior Brother Hades, please stop this display of affection!" The usually red-faced god of the underworld was green in envy. Lady Inari just gave a small smile. "Let's deal with business first. Shall we?"

The process was a blur to him. He appeared to have understood the concept. King Yan explained that he will be reincarnated into special means. He visited because it's the first time that they will not be using the well of forgetfulness like they do most of the time. They needed to have his soul and memories intact including his previous lives. They need to transfer a large portion of magic using his soul and memories of his life and the previous ones serves as carriers of magic. It was this time, he had at least 3 incarnations, a Russian soldier in world war II, a baker during the renaissance era and an official during the Han Dynasty era. He does not remember all of it because of the well of forgetfulness in the underworld but these memories will be provided to him again. Who was he before he became Takeda Takehiko?

He was Boris, a lieutenant who died defending his mother land during the siege of Stalingrad. His emotions were all over the place to contain such large quantity of magic. He was the Pierre the baker of the resistance during the French revolution. Zheng Jin, a scholar persecuted by the emperor. All of the lives that these gods chose has a wide spectrum of strong emotions, happiness, hope, despair and courage. His filial love with his brother was a contributing factor to contain the magic that they hope to transport.

The world he will be going into is called Zariya. A place where fantasy monsters do exist. Dragons, elves, dwarves, goblins, orcs and they have it. They can use magic and skills which he usually sees in shounen adventure manga and manhwa and his brother's isekai manga. Probably his brother will be elated if he was here. This thought brought sadness again to his soul. Listening further to their explanation of Lady Sefie, aside from the reincarnated lives, she is giving him an option to live as a race and some skillset aside from magic. Takehiko forgot his brother momentarily and got excited. Despite he does not read mangas and manhwas that transport to another world, this is like his new lease in life. When King Yan asked him if he wanted to go, he quickly nodded without hesitation. A plan formed to his mind to be a magician and an elf! He always wanted to be one. He was immediately transferred to some part of the divine realm after signing a contract. Everything was still white except from a European style Inn. Takehiko had mixed emotions but if it's a new start on life it would be best for him. he didn't mind that he was the only customer aside from the Gods that were present.

He then met God Anubis, a co-worker of God Hades and Goddess Sefie in the other worldly realm. God Anubis was sitting at a lounge and promptly sent Goddess Sefie and God Hades back to earth. Takehiko looked at the antromorphic god. He still has that black jackal head, but he is wearing a neutral-colored wind breaker over his casual anime printed shirt and jeans. Aside from his jackal head, he has a good built probably as ancient Egyptians portrayed and he has a tanned skin. 'These gods are very liberal!' Takehiko thought. They wear very modern clothes.

"Uhhh… Anubis-sama, aren't you wearing modern clothes?" Takehiko dumbly asked. He could not decipher that these gods wear modern clothing while Goddess Inari and God King Yan were wearing ancient clothes.

"Yes. It's very comfortable Takehiko-kun. Hades-san sent me this last week, they brought this on sale in Shibuya! It's a good thing that you are from earth!" God Anubis brightly smiled. "The official clothes are very tedious to wear!" He then pouted.

Takehiko was baffled, these Gods are very casual. If he remembered right Hades and Anubis were gods of the underworld in Greek and Egyptian mythologies. Even King Yan, though he was very polite earlier with his proper uniform. 'Where is the scary part?!?' Takehiko's world views are shattered. Aside from the God Hades being cold and overbearing like in CEO novels, he could not trace any animosity to these underworld deities.

God Anubis was quickly to sense Takehiko's thoughts. "I was sent to this world when Osiris-san replaced me in the underworld several millennia ago. Then I recommended Hades-san and Sefie-chan here to migrate since Ancient Greece were almost ending. He turned over his job to the newbie Pluto at the start of Ancient Rome."

The God Anubis was very jolly person, he is brimming with energy like a dog answering questions that Takehiko has and even gossiping. He told the human soul that God Hades and Goddess Sefie had their habit of going away for few months as honeymoon, a habit that when they eloped from Olympus few eons ago. It was a scandal to the Olympian gods and Hades being devoted to the young Persephone like a typical romance novel despite that his brothers have tons of consorts; it was an outrage. Aphrodite as a Goddess of love was really ashamed how Hades dotes on his young wife. That's what the God Anubis told him.

"Gods really had advanced societal views back then." Takehiko commented in shock. His world views about the scandalous lives of these ancient gods are way too different from what was taught at school. He was imagining God Hades and Goddess Sefie caught in tabloid having an affair under her mother's nose. God Anubis was very lively and gossipy person like he was longtime friend.

God Anubis saw his smartphone ringing. "Oh. Let's get back to your setup then. Sefie-chan will punish my faithful people if I hold you up here." He spoke like he got caught by the boss slacking off. He wiped his cold sweat. "Sefie-chan is really scary." God Anubis whispered to himself.