Death of Takeda Ryuji

That night Ryuji hugged his lifeless brother, and he could not accept what was happening. He wanted to curse the heavens, but he could not bear himself to do it. He cursed his supervisor instead. He blamed them for being heartless. He then blamed himself. He wanted to go back in time to save him, but he knew he could not. The nurses and doctors felt his grief, but they tried their best for their patient. They left him alone for a moment.

Ryuji never felt lonely throughout the years, he was with Takehiko, his best friend, his brother, and his partner in crime. He never looked to dating because he wanted his little brother to get married first. He was like a parent in a way, you wanted your offspring, in his case sibling to fly away from the nest. He was planning to date once Takehiko gets settled or else he will worry. He guessed that he would miss worrying about his little brother's future, his career. They wanted to have their own families and have a lot of kids so that they would not be left alone like what had happened years ago. They both promised to be the best man on each other's wedding. Those dreams perhaps will never happen.

The nurses went back to provide some last care on his brother's cold body. Ryuji felt everything fell apart today. A void in his heart would never be filled, what is the use of living. At that moment he collapsed in exhaustion. He was dead tired. Tired of crying, tired of breathing, tired of living, tired of everything.

The next thing he knew, he was blankly looking at his brother's picture during the funeral rites. He is already lost. He knew that this was the day, that someone will never come back. Ryuji's tears flowed uncontrollably but he remained stoic like a doll staring at nothingness. It was a blur, his colleagues visited him, their neighbors, Takehiko's friends and schoolmates, his teachers and distant relatives were helping him, consoling him to his dark time. It was a little help, but consolation won't bring his brother back. He never saw his superiors.

He wrapped everything in one day and he went to the office that Friday when the proposal was to be presented. Lifeless and robotic. His colleagues were baffled. He was like a puppet animatedly presenting to the board. Ironically, their presentation was a success, the director was even bragging for a promotion for everyone disregarding what he just lost for such a lousy amount of money. When the president went to congratulated him at his desk, he noticed that the man was in tears but stares only on the picture of his family as if he does not notice anyone around him. For Ryuji had to accept that whatever he does right now, he will only be alone to continue with life.

The president found out what had happened and immediately called the supervisor and the director. For such a hardworking person go through that kind of ordeal is simply inhumane and it happened. Black companies are being cracked by the Labor Ministry and if the word gets out, it will ruin their company. The president was actually a caring person. He had to transfer the necessary people and even provided Ryuji a month of paid leave to grieve and counseling. However, the damage to Ryuji had been done, he has no drive to live, no motivation to work for, he will just have to face life himself. A fact that he has been denying since his brother died in his arms.

Every day during that month, he was visiting the grave of his family, asking forgiveness, and consoling himself to at least survive for them. After a month he got back, he let himself immerse to a tone of work so that he could at least forget. Forget the pain for a moment. Just to think that his brother was on a trip and lie to himself that his brother was on a long trip. Perhaps he was an exchange student in Europe, but he was only fooling himself to work hard. This became his escape. He would reminisce his hobby thinking once his brother came back, he would read the manga he collected all this time.

That day will always haunt him every year. It was vivid like yesterday. It always reminds him of that the afternoon when he received the nurse's phone is on this same day six years ago. His tears were uncontrollable in front of the grave and wiped them from his cheeks.

His phone rang and composed himself.

"Hello." Ryuji hid his emotions and answered politely.

"Takeda-san, I know it's has been tough to you lately but are you able to cover for Shinegawa-san for today? She was rushed recently to the hospital because of contractions." The Director Yatsuba was pleading.

Director Yatsuba replaced the previous director after the fiasco of the last Director. Their company was almost labeled as a black company, but the crisis was averted as Ryuji did not press charges with the Labor Ministry and the company president was relieved with the outcome. When he took the director position, he observed Ryuji, he was excellent with work but communicates less with his peers and colleagues. After the death of his brother aside from excellent outputs he provides, he does not talk that much unlike before and takes almost no vacation leaves except for two days. Even on sick days he would still show up at the office unless he is bed ridden. He does not see Ryuji join off-work activities unless he forced him to attend. Last week he forced to have Ryuji to take a month off. "It's wrong for me to insist you on your vacation leave and I had forced you to go to one. But with Shinegawa-san being rushed to the hospital and no manager is knowledgeable about the project, I had no choice to call you instead." Director Yatsuba was profusely apologizing and without waiting him to reply he blurted. "I'll even make sure that you get the off next holiday season!"

"No need Yatsuba-senpai, I will be there in 30 mins." Ryuji politely replied. He hung up and made his way to the corporate office.

It was a busy day at the office, everyone was rushing to finish the project and Ryuji was the one at the helm at that moment. Since Ryuji was assisting Manager Shinegawa, he provided directions and collated what was already done. He provided inputs in form of comments once Manager Shinegawa comes back. Everyone was picking the pace so they could go home early. By 8pm everyone was almost done, everyone thanked him for his effort as they went home, and Ryuji was doing some small edits with his inputs. He missed lunch and missed dinner and he does not have any plans since he does not feel like at the moment.

By the time he went home, it was already 10 pm. He just went to buy cans of beer, some pack of cigarettes, and snacks to accompany him. He felt his back and neck aching, so he bought some pain patches as well. He was tired for the day. He felt empty. Usually, he would share stories whenever he gets home but now with no one to greet him, he felt the sense of loneliness.

Ryuji thought of rereading some manga just to escape this loneliness. He missed his family so much. He never bothered attempted dating. He was very withdrawn from everyone. When Takehiko was alive, they would just read manga the whole day while doing some chores. Takehiko liked the action-packed ones and adventure type stuff. Unless it's isekai genre Ryuji would not read it. After chores, they would usually play board games or computer games. His brother would pick up the console games for RPG. He would just guide him while he cooks or do the laundry.

It was 1 am when he laid down to his futon and muttered to himself. "I promise I will be your brother next life. Until then wait for me Takehiko."

The next thing he knew was that everything was bizarre. It was white and he was out of nowhere. "Huh? Where am I?" He muttered to himself.

"Takeda Ryuji, welcome to the divine realm!"