Aftermath and Damage Control

When Yubis heard the details, he immediately asked. "Did we suffer any set back?"

"There was a ripple with the world barrier upon entry, but it was still intact. We are currently running secondary checks. No major setbacks noted on the primary scan and the barrier integrity is at full capacity… but..." Morticia's voice is getting smaller and smaller like a child forced to confess a bad deed. "...but the Ryuji-kun's race was affected."

The world barrier is a combination of principles of the world. It protects it from spiritual and magical forces in similar principle like the ozone layer. Once a being passes through this barrier will convert the object into something that the world would recognize. Anything that is not converted is usually terminated upon contact with the barrier.

In Ryuji and Takehiko's case, the Divine realm will convert their existence to basic information that's why they are sent to the holding area. Upon contact with the Zariyan Gods had to pick them up so that they can infuse a spell that the world barrier would distinguish to start the conversion. That would allow the souls pass through the exterminating security. With Ryuji's existence and the data, it was a paradox, the data should be extinguished upon entry, but it did not. That large data seemed to be recognized by the barrier.

She held her breath and was on the verge of crying. It's her first task and she wanted it to be perfect. That wretched curse affecting the transferee was the culprit! If the data were not mixed with that curse, she would not be in this state right now. She held firm but her pent-up emotions of disappointment were about to burst any moment.

Yubis was watching Morticia turning bluer than usual. He pulled out his phone and check the dashboard with the world barrier. He studied the details, and everything looks normal aside from the ripples upon impact. Satisfied with the result with this he sighed. Morticia gave out a sigh of relief, as if she dodged a bullet.

"No. He mutated into a goblin." Morticia was trying to maintain her composure. The world barrier thing was the biggest concern.

"What was the cause?" Yubis was surprised but he explained about converting souls earlier from human to another race. He mentioned about the guarantee so that they have a disclaimer. It only happened once with the human wanted to be a dragon. That person apparently changed incompletely and born as the first dragon kin of the world. That person was still happy with the result. As gods of the world, it was a mistake but good thing that the soul was pleased even if its halfway. They tried to improve and slightly bend the rules to provide this ability so that they ensure that these souls that they transport would get their desired race. It was a reward for their service in Zariya. Now it failed spectacularly.

"The unknown data seemed to have overridden the details. The stats increased along with the race." Morticia was back to her confident self and continued reporting. "Also, the binbogami that Bishamonten-senpai mentioned suffered a backlash."

"Well, it's a minor setback considering the danger during transfer." Yubis nodded. 'The stats did increase? This man was an enigma. If the data was indeed the cause to change the race and increase the stats, they should watch this man closely. An extinction level is not good for the world.' Yubis thought.

"There is also a strong aura leaking from Ryuji-san after the curse was lifted." Morticia added "But no notable effects on the world and surrounding areas where he landed."

"Where did he land?" Yubis asked.

"The beginning spring in the Valley of Ono." Morticia answered. The Valley of Ono is a mountain range composed of several mesa that is filled with lush temperate forest trees. It's at the center of the continent. Human kingdoms surround the area but the forest which is considered as the playground of the goddess are avoided by humans. Few towns are at the outlying area, but no one dared to set a town on the inner forest due to constant attacks by monsters and creatures which are abundant in the area. Demi-humans on the other hand thrive but in fragmented tribes span across the continent.

The Beginning Spring is also called the spring of origin. It is a sanctum for slimes and smaller animals. Any large creature will avoid it because of a mystical shroud that repels higher level monsters.

"Oh, it's far from Valareth." Yubis asked. Valareth, the emerald garden is a settlement of forest elves. Only a few humans and demi humans venture to this because of a forest maze that covers 50 km radius within the area and surrounded by areas. It is located at the northeast quadrant of Valley of Ono.

When Yubis sent Takehiko last time, it was an uproar among the forest elves. Valareth almost went to a state of emergency with the appearance of a forest elf with black hair. Usually elves have blond hair, green or brown but never of a darker color like black and appeared in the middle of Temple garden. Sefie had to convince the elders in their dreams to treat Takehiko as their own child. Yubis was then reprimanded by Sefie and Hades for the spectacle that he caused.

Yubis looked on the new profile report:

Name: Takeda Ryuji

Occupation: (Sealed), project manager, World Breaker


(Sealed) (inborn; Bonus: Sealed)

Kinbenna (gained for having at least 10 multiple jobs; Bonus: increase of 5% proficiency in learning job skills)

Project Manager (gained with occupation; Bonus: increased proficiency in managing skills)

Unique Skill: Devour – ingesting has 20% chance of gaining skills.

Level: 6

Race: Goblin (Bonus: Faster growth cycle)

Strength 112+5

Agility 150+5

Intelligence 399+400

Dexterity 71+10

Vitality 615+1244

Spirit 817+12854

Luck 3178

*no fixed max for stats

Magic MP: 117587

Fire Level 5

Water Level 4

Wind Level 3

Earth Level 3

Ice Level 3

Lightning Level 2

Dark Level 8

Light Level 2

Void Level 15

Neutral Level 10


Disease Resistance (poison, paralysis, blindness) – Level 8

Magic Resistance (Silence) – Level 14

Physical Resistance (Cold, Heat) – level 4

Mental Resistance (Confusion, Berserk) – level 8

Gained Battle Skills as Takeda Ryuji

Hand Combat - Level 1

Sword - Level 1

Spear - Level 1

Blunt weapons - level 3

Shield - level 1

Gained Non-Battle Skills as Takeda Ryuji

Housekeeping – level 8

Construction – Level 5

Etiquette – Level 3

Strategy – Level 5

Cooking – Level 4

Finance – Level 6

Sneaking – Level 1

Alert – Level 2

Monster tamer – Level 2

Librarian - Level 1

Passive skills:

Increased magic and spirit proficiency

Fast Learner - increased proficiency in learning

Master Linguist – knowing all languages.


(Sealed) (passive - (Sealed))

Dictate of Yubis - high chance of lower-level canine beasts from the host will not be aggressive. Small chance of higher-level canine beasts will not be aggressive.

Mortician Blessing (minor) - protection from one hit kill moves. Usable once per week.

Shichifukujin's parting gift - over all luck increase

*Note max level is level 15 for all stats.

- end of stats page –

Yubis looked at the profile paper. All magic increased levels but some of the magic increased too much while some items remained the same. It's normal that they provide blessings to souls which they had assist during transmigration, but the Gods of fortune seemed to favor him after they removed the curse. Luck was not listed on the earlier profile sheet. It would be best for Zariya to observe this man for now considering all the hardships he had from previous life.

"I'll send a coded papyrus to Ryuji-kun. Send an email to Hades-san and Sefie-chan about this report. Just cc me on the email. Don't forget to attach the new profile status of the transferee." Yubis sent out a barrage of orders. While everything looked fine after the transfer there are things to investigate at this point. The sealed data that Ryuji houses must be investigated. They need to contain if it will harm the planet that they are managing. They also need to investigate the curse from the binbogami, a spirit that could negate a greater god blessing which is not good for every god. Lastly, they need to check why Takehiko suddenly changed his wish, it might be something that can unlock the enormous information from his brother.

"Yes, Yubis-senpai." Morticia bowed and left the jackal god's domain.