First Familiar

For the next few days Ryuji was venturing the small cave. He basically turned to Bear G mode living off bugs, fruits, and mushrooms. He watched a few times during a business trip from the hotel cable TV overseas and he did not think that it will be useful with his current situation.

He also attempted to use magic whenever he can. Even if he has illuminated magic to light up the cave. He had to use ignite with the dry leaves and twigs that he collected.

He also learned that his level was moving slowly. He needs to hunt something soon. Living off bugs to level up is not a way to power up in this world. It also is not a good way to fill his stomach.

There are few bugs that he had eaten that did to have provided him some skills:

Spring Caterpillar

Rhino beetle

Origin Worm

Spring Mantis

Onorian Moth

Yellow beetle

Yellow cat's eye spider

But he had to eat a lot of it to his dismay. Small animals and monsters seemed to scurry away before he could even react. Snakes are not good either. He is craving for meat as he has not tasted one for a long time.

Fruits and berries seemed to be ok but after a while it's just a way to fill his mana. The Spring mushroom should be sufficient for regenerating mana, but one can grow tired with the same taste and living of these alone seemed to be lacking. He is not an ascetic goblin. He can only increase his if he came across something that could kill him as a goblin.

Fishing was not even an option because he does not know how to fish one. He had zero idea about fishing. He attempted to make a rod, but he was too consumed in finding bugs since his hunger gets ahead of him. He has zero knowledge of setting traps or so. How did his brother survive here?

He did try to weave something with the leaves to drape over himself. The other night it rained, and he almost froze to death. He used the to create a cover for his body but it would catch fire that he will run to the river and put it out. He reverts to that disgusting soiled loincloth. Why did the gods did not provide him some clothes at least as compensation? Would it be odd to get at least some clothes even if he is a goblin now?

He attempted also to wash the disgusting loincloth but with water alone it will not wash the filth. His sweat seemed to produce some layers of filth even if he washed himself into the river. He slightly missed the soap and shampoo back on earth. He attempted to create some with magic, but he failed. He is a goblin now and if he created a reality survival reality show back on earth, it would be a comedic one.

He went back to his cave only to see his bag trying to be engulfed by a jelly-like creature. His beddings and even the fireplace was cleaned out. The mushrooms and moss were also gone except for the ones sticking out to the walls which was too high for the jelly creature to reach. At this rate, the only scrolls that he was using as information to survive would also get wiped out. "Hey!!" He instinctively shouted. The creature was taken by surprise and shivered.

The jelly like creature backed away in fright. Earlier it was too preoccupied to try to eat some leather satchel that has some light properties, but a stronger creature apparently appeared. It sensed dangerous aura that is blocking the exit. It backed away trying to see if there is another exit. It was a small cave and no crevice that can be found. Feeling cornered it tried to jump its way out.

Sensing that the culprit will dash for the exit, Ryuji pressed his hands on the earth and made a slight elevation using . He blocked the exit with this elevation since the slime could not bounced that high. "You won't escape!" He declared.

He moved the elevated floor that looked like a small wall for the jiggly creature who tried running away. He saw the bluish jelly with small circular like cell. "A slime huh." He exuded a menacing aura to the culprit that dared to eat his so-called belongings. As he recalled, slimes have some sort of nucleus and destroying it would destroy the creature or as he read from the manga. He smirked menacingly. He was about to cast or burn it with to destroy such pest who dined luxuriously with his stuff.

While the slime shivered as it could not escape the clutches of the enraged goblin, Ryuji suddenly remembered that he had a skill when he read his profile back in the divine realm. Why not use this chance to tame one? If it failed, he would just try again with another creature.

While it is the first creature, he encountered for the last few days aside from bugs, a slime was not fulfilling like meat or fish, but he remembered manga and light novels saying about the usefulness of slimes. It was not useful yet to use bugs for such taming as they are usually eaten by larger creatures. He attempted to tame once but he failed as the creature instantly died due to mana overload. He does not know how to do a contract with a monster larger than bugs and instead placed his hand just a meter from the shivering lump of jelly. He was unsure but he instinctively did follow the principle when he was practicing . He directed his mana and felt the jelly's mana which was thinner. He imagined it to connect and uttered. "Tame!"

He felt his mana surged over to the jelly's mana attempting convert it. It took about 10 minutes until a voice rang. . Ryuji's lips curved but he felt exhausted. He cancelled his earth magic back as the wall crumbled around the slime. Ryuji just collapsed on the floor. He had used too much mana and he needed to practice controlling it. He blacked out for a few minutes to rest. The slime moved closer to the collapsed goblin and hopped over the ugly creature's chest.

After a few minutes, Ryuji opened his eyes. He remembered collapsing as he put his mana to subdue the slime earlier. He felt a cool, viscous sensation on his chest and instinctively pat it. A cool jelly sensation greeted his hand instead. "Oh."

He saw the slime's nucleus like it was looking at him. He was expecting to be cute like a poring (1) with simple dots and a line as the face, but it only has a core that looked like a biology practical exam. Looking on its nucleus, why should Ryuji expect it wonders. He had been disappointed for a few times now so it would be better not to hope and besides, it is just a minor setback. He is not god of creation or similar divine person. It felt a bit odd, but it made him a little less lonely. "You'll be with me from now on, Pyun-Pyun." He smiled. He wished for something cooler, but he has not seen any small animals or creatures. The slime bounced like it acknowledged such name.

A voice chimed. the voice echoed. Ryuji was hungry but he is tired to move. 'Would it also be the same if I were human?' Ryuji gave a thought, but he shrugged it off. No use to cry over spilled milk. What matters is that he is alive and has the opportunity to reunite his brother. A chime rang out <… sync completed.>

He set to identify Pyun-pyun by touching the slime.

Ryuji seemed to be satisfied with the announcement, but he is too tired right now. He will check it tomorrow once the sun rises. For now, he needs to sleep off that mana deprivation.