I Never Thought I Could Understand Them

Ryuji gasped in horror not minding that the other six wolves already noticed him on top of the branch. He was more worried rather than getting that right opportunity at this state. The other wolves attacking stopped on their tracks as they looked to the direction of the voice who called out.

However, Ryuji's fears did not materialize as he expected. Contrary to his horror, the slime remained unfazed and nimbly released some tentacles that turned into sickle like form at the end of the two tentacles and met with the oncoming brown furry canine. The canine attempted to dodge with his body but his momentum lunging forward was too limited. The canine inevitably met the sickle like figures and made two cuts, one hit stabbed to the left shoulder and the other on its body, but the next move happened quickly as if a great force slashed the wolf as Pyun-Pyun quickly retract its sickle tentacle forming deep gash to its attacker. The wolf who just attacked gave a desperate whimper and dropped dead quicker than its attack.

The remaining eight wolves looked really offended at the slime and glanced to the new intruder with malice. They growled menacingly to the slime and the goblin who now are on their opposite ends while some of them are trapped in between. While the have the numbers, the wolves understood that the slime is no pushover than they initially thought. It already had killed two of their hunting pack already.

Pyun-Pyun learned and seemed to be waving its tentacle in a friendly manner as if looking pleased for his master's arrival. He jiggled as if telling his to praise him by defending the slabs of meat surrounding him. While he did not know what to do with the other carcass that his master left earlier when the group of brown mutts arrived, he prioritized on protecting these precious meat slabs surrounding him. The sickle like tentacles retracted and the wolves seemed to be agitated with the goblin's addition on the site.

"Pyun-Pyun are you alright?" Ryuji shouted. Even if he saw his slime is doing ok, he still would like to have a confirmation response to this creature.

Pyun-Pyun bounced as if affirming his question. His master really cares about him which made the slime into some sort of pink hue. Then an Onorian Common Fly darted again as if about to land on the flank meat. He quickly released a tentacle and caught it.

Ryuji chuckled that his pet was showing a blush. He did not know what slimes could actually blush. There was silence among the wolves until someone spoke among them.

"What does a lowly goblin doing here interfering with our spoils?" A slightly bigger wolf stood at the right side. The rest of the wolves seemed to have given a menacing growl in hate. They looked at the leader who was about to give out new orders to overpower the slime.

'Whoa! I never thought I could understand these creatures…' Ryuji thought. He was confused by this. He was talking to Pyun-Pyun for so long, but the latter can only respond in movements. He also did not talk to the snakes and rabivores before, so he never spoke with any other animal at all. It was not also mentioned when was used that these canines were speaking human language. He saw his stats before, but he has yet to see it. He needs to check his stats soon. Then his stomach grumbled. Hearing this he would really need to check it soon but after eating their fill instead. He looked at the wolves again intending that they would communicate.

"Boss, this goblin seemed to have some mysterious powers. I feel we can't offend him." The brown wolf near Ryuji seemed to sense something. He seemed to be a juvenile.

"Is it the same thing that you felt from slime, brother?" Another one who was far left asked in worry. Ryuji seemed to understand that these two came from the same litter it looked slightly bigger, but it had some noticeable scars on its shoulder.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" One of the wolves on the right cried as if his boss was embarrassed.

"We should kill this green creature and that lowly blob! Especially that blob killed my brother and sister!" Another on the right it howled in anguish.

"Boss Cain, we should not offend the slime further. My brother senses something off since we came across it earlier. I believe…" The one who spoke from the far left earlier suggested but he was cut off.

"Are you insane? You should have not brought your good-for-nothing brother to the hunting pack. If he did not stop us, we should have killed the slime an hour ago!" the one the right spoke again. "He is an embarrassment to our hunting pack!" It lamented.

"He was just using the elder wolf's favor to include him in the hunting pack!" Another wolf cried.

"He is an omega! He should not be with our pack!" Another two added in chorus.

Ryuji chuckled. 'Oh! A 'yes' man or I should rather say a 'yes' wolf! I never thought I would see wolves that have some Wolf ABCs existing… And they seemed to have an internal conflict?' He thought. While wolf brothers, the one with the omega, seemed to be wary of him and Pyun-Pyun, the others were not. He remembered something about canine in his stats, but he never paid attention to it earlier. He should really look to his stats later. He looked again to the pack of wolves as the bickering continued.

"We should kill that slime!" One of the wolves roared.

"And that goblin too!" Another one of the wolves added.

"We can't!" The young wolf opposed vehemently. His gut feeling is telling him that some power is at play that shrouds these beings and should not be offended. "I already told your sister not to attack the slime because we can't appraise the level, but she is too greedy to try to nab the meat under the slime's nose!" He reasoned out to the rest of the pack. He thought it was the best way to reason, but the next response proved him wrong.

"You filthy mixed breeds! Why can't we kill the lowly slime?" The wolf who had a brother and sister killed is already fuming in hatred. The wolf flashed malevolence in its face and wished revenge on those who had harmed his brother and sister. "How dare a mere Beta and Omega compare to my brother and sister! If you were not blabbering about nonsense, we should have taken this slime down earlier!"

"This is why we don't need an appraiser for our hunting pack!" One of the wolves exclaimed in disgust.

The juvenile who was opposing seemed to be ashamed. His ears were drawn back.

"How dare you insult my brother!" The older wolf brother with the scars howled back. This pack is really detestable.

"Enough! We will attack the slime, as for the brothers, they will take care of the goblin." The boss wolf called Cain spoke which ceased the bickering. "If you two will still refuse to take the goblin, we will expel from the main pack!" He threatened.

The wolves started to assemble the pattern again. Five were locked on the slime and the brothers were standing in Ryuji's way.

"But brother we can't attack them." The younger wolf still opposed but he was cut off. Something hit him and threw his small body at the side.

"Brother!" The older wolf gritted his teeth. It was that boss wolf who had attacked the younger wolf.

"You should learn to control your brother beta. If he still refuses, I will have him killed right now." The boss wolf exudes his domineering aura.

"You…" The older wolf just gritted his teeth. He could not do anything at the moment. His brother gave a weak whimper.

Ryuji who was watching the drama unfold felt ridiculously unjust toward the beta and omega brothers. He was reminded of his brother who is in Valereth. He wondered how his brother survived all these years. He should finish his quest soon so he can travel freely and go to Valereth. He should settle the Twilight Realm quest immediately. He would like to live like normal peaceful life especially in his second life. Once he found his brother he will check and see if he would travel the world of Zariya or settle to some plot of land and retire and manage a business. He did dream back on earth to be a company owner. Maybe he can make his dream a reality here and his fortune that eluded him from his past life. Not bad for being reincarnated. He should really focus on studying the economics and trade on this world soon so that he can be some CEO of his own company. Probably when he leaves this forest, he can establish contact with humans and other races. Surveying a good place should also be a priority soon.