Late Night Plans and Healing Magic

When the goblin said about being healed, the older wolf brother immediately ceased to panic. While distrustful, he could not do anything against this monster. This stranger said that it was a healing activity, he still does not understand magic. He tried to feel what with the light, after all, he felt they could no longer escape since the area is shrouded by it. He tried expanding his senses and felt about the pale light's effects. He was dumbfounded. Indeed, this is some sorcery that he will not be able to explain. Maybe, his brother can, but he is knocked out right now. He could feel his slow body being revitalized. This was a gradual feeling and in. His tiredness from fighting earlier was slowly being energized by the light. He immediately looked to his brother and saw more light engulfing the body of his younger brother.

While the older wolf brother could feel the cool sensation that made his fatigue go away, he could not help feeling that this unknown power sort of fading and diminishing, or was it just too little? After all the goblin has tremendous fighting power, he may not be proficient in healing.

Ryuji continued the spell, but the doubt earlier clouded his emotions that he felt it's no use continuing it. 'It did not work?' He said to himself. 'I should have stuck with a single target healing spell?' he thought. But then again, he never used a healing spell on others. He only used it on himself when he got poisoned the other day. He does not know also if he can use it on a range form since the older wolf brother is guarding the injured one in a vigorous manner. It might be ugly if he approached further so he was reluctant to do so.

As Ryuji's healing spell area of effect fades out, it was not all for naught. The younger wolf brother has a relaxed breathing pattern compared to earlier which looked like he will draw his last breath any moment. This satisfied the older wolf brother at least. He no longer senses that grim feeling like his brother's life will fade away in a moment's notice. He was greatly relieved. He looked where the goblin was standing and was surprised that the peculiar monster was no longer there. 'Maybe he went back to the cave?' he thought.

The pale light faded, and the younger brother opened his eyes. He felt something pleasant earlier and felt that he was regaining strength. He has been the runt of the litter and always get sick most of the time. There were only two of them in a litter.

"Brother, what happened?" He asked his older brother.

The older wolf brother looked at his younger brother, he was overjoyed. He was very worried earlier. At least one of the things that burdens him got resolved by that peculiar goblin. "How are you feeling?"

"Still tired but I feel that I recovered half of my strength." The younger wolf answered assuring his brother.

"That's a relief." The older wolf brother sighed in relief. That goblin is powerful. Now his brother is up, he told him what happened a few minutes ago.

"Is there really such magic?" The younger wolf got a wide eyed. Like his older brother, he only knew magic from hearsay and from stories. He never dabbled into one, but he could feel some raw energy within him that might be an actual magic. While he was overjoyed by this revelation, he was worried about his brother's future.

"Also, we can't go back to the pack." His brother said straightforwardly. The younger wolf was not surprised based on the events earlier, but he felt ashamed that his brother defended him in his exchange with his future and position. He felt useless and being the reason why his brother kicked out. He wished that his brother did not do that.

"Why did you leave the pack?" The younger brother asked with full regret. He feels that he is a burden.

"Don't think about it, brother. Rest first. I can handle this. We can survive without the pack." The older wolf brother reassured him.

Although uneasy, the younger wolf went back to sleep. He is still drowsy, and the fatigue is kicking in due to his weak constitution. Looking at his weak brother, the older wolf brother steeled himself and he made his decision.

The next morning, Ryuji woke up. He had a little nap earlier since he was thinking about some magic theory and why the older wolf brother did not feel the healing area of effect. He came up with several things in mind. He came up with several possibilities:

One, had no aptitude in healing spells, he already has some attack spells and defensive spells, but healing is not his thing. Probably he is too overpowered with the items he got from the gods and that is probably why he got nerfed with healing.

Two, he had no proper training with any magic. He already felt that his arsenal of spells was just the tip of the iceberg. Not even a tip, but a fraction of the tip. He knew spells could evolve and he only knows a handful of spells at the moment. He could only confirm it if he gets to a civilization.

Three, possibly his emotions have a root in magic. After all, ever since he came to this new world, he relied on instinct especially with magic. While the god, Yubis, provided him a basic scroll, that is the only knowledge of magic that he will ever know and act as his only baseline. There should be more details on magic in this world, perhaps complex and expanded detail on spells, elements.

Fourth, perhaps it is a combination of the possibilities earlier. But one thing is for sure, he needs to study magic. He will find time while doing the dream realm quest. He should really finish that quest as soon as possible.

Ryuji got up and headed toward the cave entrance to wash his face at the riverbank nearby. He jolted in surprise to find out the wolf brothers are still at the entrance of the cave. It's like they were waiting for something. While he instinctively guarded himself for a possible attack, he knows that there is a very slim to no chance at all. He was more hopeful that these guys would probably go away instead.

"Oh, you are still here?" Ryuji was surprised. He also noticed the young wolf in good health which was a good surprise.

"Yes, great one. We are waiting for you." The older brother replied politely as if prostrating like a eunuch.

Dumbfounded, Ryuji stammered in surprise. "Wwwait!!!!! What?" he could only utter.

Ryuji did not miss it. He was called a great person by this talking wolf. While he was amused about being in another world, he does not intend to be some hero to save the day. He despised the idea of going to war for some country and saving their asses from a demon lord or something that threatened the survival of the race or the world destruction like the manga and light novels he read. He just wanted to find his brother and probably an adventure or two just to see the world, then just live out the rest of their lives in this new world. Moreover, they were waiting for him to speak which is not a good sign. He was dreading that this might be trigger for the main quest. These thoughts jolted to his mind in a split second.

The wolf brothers were confused. They tilted their heads. Pyun-pyun jiggled as if he understood something.

"What do you mean oh great goblin?" The older wolf brother asked politely in reverence. The older brother bowed as if he was a eunuch serving a king. In his mind, this creature saved his brother, and with the aura that he projects, it is better to serve him with utmost diligence to repay him by becoming this creature's familiar. The younger wolf brother followed the suit. They both agreed to stick with the mysterious goblin when he woke up from a bit earlier. Though dazed he felt the magic poured to him last night which restored his strength.

"I'm sorry but if this is some kind of quest to save the world, I won't do it." Ryuji blurted it out in panic. He knew protagonists like this will be in some epic journey that he does not want to be part of. If the dreamland goddess, Vreta, did not ask to collect those missing orbs, he might be taking his time on the cave. Now this becomes a pain for him.

"What do you mean great goblin?" the older brother bowed in reverence.

When Ryuji heard this, he gave a sigh of relief. He was overthinking things. But the next line made him nervous. The older wolf brother added, "If you need to save this world, we would be honored to be at your side, great goblin." not breaking the bowing posture. The younger wolf followed his brother's actions and bowed.

At that moment, Ryuji froze.