Trying to Piece Together a Contract

"The taming spell is a contract itself." Yubis corrected the goblin. He was confused and a bit annoyed, a magical oath should be the one that fit his needs with the wolf brothers. But surprisingly, the goblin is not satisfied with what he really needs. He should take a mental observation of this behavior.

"Hmmmm… then there is no other way. I need to create it myself." Ryuji said with determination. More or less, he understood what underlying points are needed with the taming spell and an oath. He wants to get the principle that binds it but right now is not the time to tweak it. he would probably go with the taming spell, he still yet to experience an oath and besides if he is a new creature in this world which is a few days old. He is not clear with the specifics of the honor that Yubis mentioned so it would be best to stay away from it for now. He will get to that in the future given that he would have time.

"That's pretty bold of you… how do you know it would work?" Yubis is greatly surprised how this creature thinks. In a small amount of time, he was able to think and plan for him to create something out of the usual. 'I better check what are the current stats of this guy.' Yubis thought. He thought of reviewing whatever recording that Horus got with this experiment.

"From what I understand the taming is similar to Oath but in a crude form. Of course, these are only the information that I can work on right now. There are lots of differences between the two, but there are points that are very similar. For now, the spell I would likely go with taming requires magic as an input. I am thinking of mixing whatever aspects of the two together to create a spell that can bind them but can be changed in the future, but since we are pressed with time with getting whatever artifacts needed by Vreta-chan." Ryuji rambled on. This explanation is more of a scientific endeavor but what can he do? The dilemma is quite life changing, maybe not for him but definitely to another sentient being. It would really help if he went into some civilization that he can research for further details on this. He is afraid of permanently binding these two sentients and if he dies, they also die which kind of a bummer. Honestly, one life depending on him which is Pyun-Pyun is already a burden and he does not want two more. Luckily, the slime is low maintenance to care of.

"The main difference with this contract spell is I would need to specify what can be done and cannot be done which is rather straightforward with no deaths involved. And also, we can have it amended in the future because Oaths and the taming spell itself are too rigid and binding… or we can sift using a medium for binding." Ryuji continued talking to himself out loud. "can you release a creature that was affected by a taming spell?"

"No." Yubis just answered. Yubis remembered that there was a tamer that researched this particular process, but the data that was gathered by that person got lost during a war centuries ago. No one picked up the research throughout these years as far as he knew. Though reports are obscure, taming magic is kind of rare.

"So… a sift would be the best way to do this." A sift might work to block permanent magic, it should strain other effects by the taming spell. It was a long shot because casting the taming spell is one information, he does not know which part causes what effect. In Ryuji's mind he also would like to refrain from setting the spell on full blast, he needed a minimum output to create that bond of tamer and familiar but not overpower it, its one way of controlling the effect of the spell. But a sift is still needed to be the barrier against permanent binding which is a safety net for the procedure.

While Ryuji was trying to talk to himself like a madman. The younger wolf carefully observed the goblin. They knew that the goblin is special. He is a bit terrified as he could not understand what is going on. However, they knew that they need to follow him to survive, especially him. After he felt the healing spell last night, he is better than usual. And since they decided to follow him, it would be best to get used to these peculiar and outlandish situations.

"How will you accomplish that?" Yubis caught up on what was going on and what Ryuji was planning. For millennia, he rarely came across with such people. They either tend to be great in a good or bad way and this guy is just starting his second life and to put forward something that is outlandish as this idea. 'One thing is certain: he might bring change in this world.' Yubis thought.

"We need some sort of item that can sift my magic, since one god created the taming spell, theoretically another god can create a new spell that can act similar." Ryuji continued his explanation. The wolves do not understand a clue of what is being discussed because the forbidden magic that they were referring to, their pack did not encounter that for a long time. But they waited patiently so as to not disturb the goblin and the jackal man.

"What we need is to power the specifics written or imbued on the item first. once we power the specifics that are written which ones can be and cannot be done. Though I need a piece of paper or something." Ryuji kept on mumbling. This process is a 30 to 50 percent chance, he never experienced one neither seen one. "If I can imbue the magic with the contract and safeguard it with a similar or possible protection with a contract." Ryuji is still absorbed on what to do. He called Pyun-pyun to spit out some things, there were pelts, skins and Ryuji's beginner items.

"Well, it has come to this. You might use the papyrus scroll I have provided you." Yubis suggested in order to help but in an instant it backfired.

"It has been written with your beginner instructions. how I can use that?" Ryuji frowned. Oddly enough he has the guts to frown at this god. He did screw something up when he first appeared. He would like to avoid a screw up plus whatever is written there even if they are instructions, it might be imbued with some magic because the beginner instructions came from Tartarus. It's better to have a blank slate instead. "Do you even have a spare instead? I can't have this go wrong because something was written to it at first." Ryuji gave a scrutinizing look as if asking to puke out something out of thin air. After all it's possible since he is a god.

"the papyrus came from me, so it has bestowed me with my- oh…" Yubis was proud to contribute but eventually learned that there was something written on it. Then he sent off screen asking. "Hey Horus, can we send something out?" Yubis was like talking to a blank space.

Ryuji noticed this and attempted to touch Yubis. Yubis was not paying attention at all and was still checking. The goblin stepped forward and touched the jackal god's image. His hand went through. "Hmmm… this is a hologram…" he felt the faint energy when he first saw Yubis before he reincarnated but it is too little to be noticed. The goblin slowly backed out. All throughout Yubis was still asking about sending something to Zariya and did not notice what just Ryuji did. The wolf brothers on the other hand, got scared for the goblin, they were not expecting that this great person would just do something like that and got more terrified when the goblin's hand just went through the jackal's image.

"Really? We can't? How about your falcons? Hmmm… the old parcel system might work… just ask Tish about 2 sheets… then send it. Oh yeah… yup… still in the middle of the testing. I will explain to you later about what we are doing… yeah… just schedule a meeting after this… how long? Uh about another hour?... Do you think it can be sustained?... that is great!... Ok we will review the data after this. Call them ok?" Yubis kept talking, he is definitely talking with someone that cannot be seen by the naked eye. For the wolf brothers, this is weird and scary, their tails are curled between their legs. For Ryuji, he has a hunch that he is talking to someone, it's like someone is at a video conference and another phone call comes in. He just kept quiet and waited.

After it was done, Yubis looked at Ryuji and spoke. "I will have something sent in a minute."

"Nice." Ryuji made a thumbs up and then praised "by the way this holo thing is cool." He commented.

"We are still testing it…" Yubis embarrassingly chuckled at the same time he was elated. It seems this guy did not realize it at first.