Slime Waves

"What the?!" Ryuji blurted in surprise. He saw a yellow light amassing above the head of one the yellow slimes. Right now, there are 11 of these yellow slimes. That crackling noise is something he heard several times in his previous life. Then a zigzag light shot out from the yellow light and horizontally aimed for the goblin. It is accompanied by an unpleasant static sound as it shot through.

"Master! Look out!" Fuji and Raiji shouted in unison.

"F*ck!" Ryuji cursed as he quickly dodged to the side. In a rare moment, he wanted to curse. First, he was poisoned a few days back and now this abomination. He never heard of a slime that can cast thunder. He could feel those poor opponents matched up with electric type creatures in games. He remembered when he accidentally touched the metal part when he was tinkering an appliance on one of his odd jobs, it was not a big deal for a battery but to suddenly get jolted by something is sure unpleasant. Now with this pure energy hurled towards him is not just 110 volts or 240 volts but perhaps a thousand or even more. As he learned when he was back on earth, electrocution is always equal to danger. "What the f*ck?!?!" He cursed out. He never cursed in succession before, but this perhaps the first time and not the last time he would blurt out curses in a short amount of time.

'Ugh!!! I hate this but we need to reduce the numbers of these critters!' Ryuji thought perhaps he can use a wide range magic or in his modern term, AOE magic. But which magic should he choose from his arsenal? He has only a handful of offensive attacks as he recalled, , , , and . won't be helpful at this point because slimes are known to be liquid and there is too many of them.

Another lightning bolt just shot out from another yellow slime aiming the goblin.

"Master!" The two wolves cried again.

Pyun-Pyun who also dodged this time, jiggled fiercely but in Ryuji's eyes it looked cute for him violently jiggling as if protesting. The other slimes just bounced as if they are taunting him.

Ryuji immediately used this time to create walls on both sides using and at the back narrowing the path of the slimes and trapping them. The only way out with the walls is in front. He made the walls on each side preventing the open area. The slime retaliated immediately by throwing several acid blobs and thunderbolts to the caster. Ryuji shouted. "Pyun-Pyun defend!"

The light blue slime immediately bounced himself near his goblin master and started to cast to fend off thunder strikes, and the acid blobs hurled to them by the hostile slimes. Raiji and Fuji watched how the two worked together. Fuji especially takes mental notes on how the magic is used.

The wall of earth moved around the slimes and slowly trapped the slimes with the towering walls at the side and at the back and the small in front but not connected with the other three. This time the slimes stopped attacking as the space that once was a wide area now being dominated by large walls made from earth. They soon realized that they are trapped. About 20-30 slimes are trapped within the walls. If they move forward, they are also running into the direction of the goblin and that 'normal' slime who are blocking their attacks.

Pyun-Pyun while doing to block the attacks but at the same time mimicking his master and moving the wall against the slimes slowly trapping the only area that they can escape. It was not as high as Ryuji's but high enough to fend off the attacks of acid and thunder. Fuji was surprised with this as he knew there are no commands that Ryuji mentioned.

"Is that slime doing the same thing as master?" Raiji whispered to his brother. Despite knowing that the slime is strong beforehand he did not expect that the slime would act on its own accord and without any orders from their master. He felt a bit envious. It is his desire to be useful in these situations but right now he and his brother looked at the sidelines. He reminded himself that they are on the same side.

Fuji just nodded as his brother glanced at him and back to the slimes who are now trapped in an earth pit. He knew his brother's temperament, but he was keen on the magic being displayed right now. He is observing how it is being done. Subconsciously he was drawing mana and attempted to imitate how it is being done. He could feel the mana swirling within his body, flowing like water but it has yet to materialize into something tangible. After all this is over, Fuji is thinking to ask his master to teach him basics about it.

"Let's end this." Ryuji muttered as soon as he saw Pyun-Pyun's joined with the other that he created. He started to recall how he buried the weird scary snake on the tree stump a few days back. He casted without muttering a word then the upper part of the walls he created collapsed over the slimes that he and Pyun-Pyun rounded up earlier. As it collapsed, some of the slimes were instantly squished and some burst trying to resist the earth but unable to withstand heavy rocks despite their streamlined appearance.

Ryuji dropped to lie flat on the ground. He has a lot of mana as he last checked but he could not get used to using it. The earlier flat clearing has now a weird mound. As if automated, Pyun-Pyun used a new move and dived into the mound like it was water leaving a hole on the mound. Ryuji was surprised then he heard a chime. >.

"?" Ryuji was confused with Pyun-Pyun's actions, but it took only about two minutes when his familiar slime appeared and dropped several nuclei of the defeated slimes and some herbs. That's when Ryuji understood it.

"Good job Pyun!" Ryuji praised and patted the slime. It jiggled back as its response. He is lucky with Pyun-Pyun. He automatically loots drops, uses magic, walking storage and much more. He is indeed an all-around assistant. as he is a walking bag and now it is like an automated loot pet.

"Lots of slime cores." Ryuji muttered. Ryuji fell silent for a moment. He realized that these slimes are just lackeys. He still needed to find the chrysalis needed by the loli goddess. He gazed toward the pond and noticed its murky dark color. "It looks like I have to dive in."

"Master! Look!" Raiji cried in panic. He did not react about diving in but rather he was concerned with the appearance of more slimes converging at the top of the mound.

Ryuji looked up. More green and yellow slimes appeared. With a glance, he estimates that this is more than the one appeared earlier. Then the sound of splashing water was heard. Slimes that have a deep blue to black color appeared. About ten of these slimes got off from the water and started to hop near the mound, positioning themselves on a vantage point.

Ryuji stared at the dark blue slimes. The color that almost black makes it an ominous looking and bad-ass slime. But judging from the green color which is probably poison slime, and the yellow color that hurls thunder, this slime is probably something to do with the water attribute. Games do these things that it came to be a cliché when dealing with monsters. Color coding to make sure that they know the attribute and now that it's a high-level monster.

However, before the battle could begin a crackling noise was heard. Ryuji looked around and saw Fuji was summoning magic for the first time. He finds it weird though. The orb of light seemed to be coming from his mouth, he looked like a final boss though as the hairs stood up from static. He watched the flash of thunder electrocuted the slimes nearby reducing them by half.

Fuji was watching the whole gathering of slimes as he heard his brother called the attention of their master. He felt that he should do something. The mana swirling around his body needs to have somewhere to release. He imagined the slimes to be blasting them out of sight liked when the slimes hurled thunder at them earlier. He opened his mouth and immediately it lighted up. It looked awkward but he quickly composed himself. He needs to blast them in one go. But his body mana is not enough, he would like to use more mana but where to get more mana. He felt some earlier but if only there is a way to get that. Subconsciously the light that was generated to his mouth gathered power also at the surrounding area.

< was learned> a familiar chime was heard. Then the same sound came again after a few seconds.< was learned>