Ongoing Conversations on Different Places

"Me? But Master, you said that I cannot do magic…" Raiji was shocked. He can't just shake off that feeling of envy, but it did somehow make him understand that he and his brother have different paths to take.

"Of course, it's not magic. You are a wolf. You did not need magic on hunting before, right?" Ryuji asked.

"That is right master." Raiji nodded. His master is right. If he can't use magic, he would still be able to serve his master. He has been good with hunting.

"Master, my brother is good at hunting! He was always the one that brings the biggest prey!" Fuji chimed in. He was always proud of his brother and this was a perfect opportunity to tell him that he was the greatest brother that he could have.

"That is settled then." Ryuji replied. He was satisfied about this. If Fuji can use magic, Raiji can be a strong leader even without magic. Moreover, he can probably understand how to even defend against magic attacks. It would be an asset if he does learn it and definitely, they will be using it in the future.


"Your majesty! The scouts report a suspicious light from the southern forest!" An elven minister barged into the Emerald Garden. Even if the elves who seemed to be perfect with their grace and etiquette, this minister seemed to have forgotten as he rushed to the King's office. The minister looked ragged as he tried to catch his breath.

The Emerald Garden is a structure on the canopy level of the trees in the central part of the Valley of Ono. This where the office of the elven leader of the settlement is located and the trees holding the structures are called Pillars of Ono which are actually buildings where the ruling family and highest powers are currently residing. Around the structure are small houses that merged with the roots of the surrounding forest. This is known as the biggest settlement of elves in the valley, the City of Valereth.

"Are they humans?" A long brown-haired minister quipped immediately. He was at the office already before the minister barged in.

"As far as our reports from the human kingdom of Oristelle, Minister Deryth, the nearest human settlement would be several leagues from where the light was seen." The exhausted minister was still catching his breath. He had to check with the Ministry of Diplomatic Relations before running here.

"It might be possible poachers. There are no settlements of our kind in the south." Minister Deryth continued to voice his speculations. The southern forest has been the home base of several large animal factions, the South Onorian wolves and the slimes from the Spring of Beginning. Aside from those creatures, there are a myriad of creatures like goblins, orcs, lizard men and beast kin which are hunting in the area. But no one resides in the south permanently due to the wolves and slimes are marking their territory. Dryads were also reported to frequent the area every now and then.

The slimes are usually the lowest part of the food chain however the territory that they chose was tricky because of the dense fog surrounding the Spring of Beginning.

"If this is from another race, we will have a bigger problem. Magic attributes for the other races are rare and if it can do something like that, it would be a disaster." A third minister spoke of his concerns. Goblins, orcs, beast kin all rely on strength though there are notable people that use magic but only to beginner spells the most like . The eye-catching light that happened an hour or two ago is a definite higher level of magic. If any other creature was able to perform a feat like that, the City of Valareth might be in trouble in the future.

"The southern place is a remote area, and the wilderness would be perfect for hiding. Have there been any movements with the other tribes?" The white-haired man at the desk finally spoke. He had long white hair with braids at the side. He had an aura of a leader even if he looked like a man who just reached his twenties. He looked gentle and soft, but he had masculine features that complemented this gentle appearance. If one would look, he is the epitome of a beauty even if he is a man.

Another elf came in. He had short brown hair that his ears were noticeable. He looked as if he was the same age as the white-haired man at the desk.

"Ah Commander Alistair, your timing is impeccable." The second minister announced his relief. "Do you have any news about that light?"

"No. According to the scouts, the kobolds don't venture too far from their territory in the eastern mountain." Alistair shook his head then passed a document to the white-haired man.

"How about the beast men?" The white-haired man asked. He was not looking at the man who is reporting but busy reading the document about the scout report. The document is practically a summary report of intelligence on major factions in the valley.

"They are busy with the trade for this upcoming winter." Alistair flatly replied and then continued. "No movement of orcs from their camps."

"Are there any goblin tribes in the south?" The white-haired man continued to ask while checking some other documents.

"There are no known settlements of goblins located in the south but there is a group near the south ridge." Alistair retorted back in a monotonous tone.

"Send a party within the area to investigate." The white-haired man finally gave his command.

"Yes, your majesty." Alistair answered and bowed respectfully.

"Why don't you bring the black saint and the first prince with you?" A female voice reverberated throughout the office. Then a woman in her thirties entered the Emerald Garden. She had long fiery red hair. But unlike the men in the room, this woman does not have a pair of pointed ears. The ministers were suddenly nervous when the red-haired lady appeared. The three ministers started to whisper amongst themselves when that red-haired woman entered. Two of them suddenly went quiet when she glanced over them. They blushed involuntarily. The oldest minister who was haggard earlier frowned. It was not noticeable since he was too haggard trying to stabilize himself.

"Yes, it is indeed a good idea my queen." The white-haired man smiled. Alistair could feel something wrong with the king's smile. But he could not point it out yet. He glanced at the woman who was grinning back at him. He gave her a glare for a second.

"I place all my hopes that Sir Alistair will surely keep them safe." The woman seductively smiled at Alistair which made some hearts beat. But for Alistair, he kept a straight face. He wanted to frown with this smile. A smile that could end the world but at the same time, he felt his heart skip a beat which made him curse initially.


In Tartarus' realm, the Café door was opened forcefully as Horus grumpily entered. He was fuming as the goblin tried to use the status while he was trying to reconcile some details with the programming of the Zariyan World System. He wanted to reprimand Yubis because he thought that Yubis has the ability to connect with Ryuji. "Inform that goblin to not use the status yet. I am still upgrading the system with the codes! That guy pushed my updates back for quite a while!"

"!!!" Horus immediately reacted as he saw that Yubis had a visitor.

Seating comfortably on the couch sipping her tea, Vreta did not react to the falcon god's sudden entrance.

Yubis on the other hand, flinched then frowned at Horus. That café door was something priceless. It was imported from France. It is hard to import something that bears a physical state into the divine realm moreover something as big as a door.

"Oh. I didn't see you here Lady Vreta. I apologize my unsightly display." Horus apologized profusely. He suddenly started sweating and got nervous of this little goddess. He walked over to where Yubis and Vreta were seated.

"I will take you up to it. Can you give me a magical tablet like them?" Vreta pointed out at the device in front of Yubis.

"S-Sure." Horus smiled although it was not noticeable with his beak.

"Wow you sure love Vreta-chan. You sure have bias even though I had known you for centuries before her." Yubis continued to sulk. It took him five years to ask for something like a tablet from Horus. They have known each other since ancient times. While Vreta joined Tartarus after the middle ages during the advent of Christianity in Europe. He attempted to show his smartphone to Horus with an FBI meme while Vreta was looking expectantly at Horus.

Horus so this and glared at Yubis. "What are you--- oh please don't mind this mutt of a god." He apologized again to Vreta. He snapped his fingers. Both Yubis and Horus have animal heads, but they have a body of a human. A white light appeared shortly and then had magic wisps that outlined into a modern-day tablet.

"Hihihi. I knew I could count on almighty Horus!" Vreta gave an adorable childlike chuckle.