Investigation on the Threat

Horus froze while staring at Sefie. 'Takehiko? That guy?' Horus thought. Due to the back-to-back seminars on technology and security in the Cosmos headquarters he was away from Zariya most of the time. He did hear that the boss couple, Sefie and Hades, did 'adopt' someone some time ago. But he was not able to see him. Yubis, Medusa and even Rhadamanthus mentioned that guy. If he recalled it correctly, he was an elf but like Ryuji, he did retain his name. It is weird that this guy whom the boss couple protected so much is in trouble right now. He is curious. He wasn't concerned with the guy directly, but it is because he is concerned with Sefie and how she will react. This young lady of spring was quite a mother figure in the underworld ever since ancient times. There were rumors that she was a fierce one and even fought with the Greek goddess of love for taking care of a boy. He does recognize that this is a chance that he will see how this mother of the underworld treats her babies and he is quite excited for it. But for now, he just stared at Sefie with curiosity then glanced at Yubis.

"Yes." Yubis calmly answered. Yubis stood up and invited Sefie. "Let us go to my office."

The Goddess of Spring took a deep breath and stood up as well. "Let's see which mortals dared to play with my son's life." Sefie declared. She was fired up, of which ingrates dared to challenge her authority.

Horus invited himself to the jackal god's office. He is indeed curious about what is happening. Yubis did not mind Horus tagging along with them. After all, it has been a while since Horus formally came back to the command in Tartarus, this might be the best thing to show what is going on. Also, a child of Hades and Sefie, even if he is an adopted one, is a grave sin. Despite being adopted, whether official or unofficial, as long as a god has favored, that person may as well as be treated as a demi-god.

Yubis pulled out his smart phone and dialed something which went on the speed dial. The person answered. He immediately put his phone on loudspeaker. "Ticia, send me the recording within Valereth."

"Yes sir." Morticia replied. "I just sent the email to you."

"Who is with Hades right now?" Yubis asked Sefie as he conjured up some chairs out of thin air. The two gods also had taken a seat in response.

"Mely." Sefie replied. Melinoe or Mely for short, is the daughter of Sefie and Hades, the princess of nightmares. Or that's what the Greeks from the ancient era thought of her. Some think that her father is Zeus due to his lust, but she is indeed the first daughter of Hades and Sefie after they eloped. She is currently also a major goddess as she handles the aspect of wisdom.

"Text her if possible." Yubis suggested. It was imperative that they uncover this madness first.

"Sir, is something wrong?" Morticia asked since it was a video call. She was unaware of what was going on.

"I'll make it brief. Someone made a move on 'the adoptive son' and we have a reason to believe he is in danger." Yubis said in one go, dropping the bomb on Morticia.

"What?" Morticia replied as if she received a shock. Even though she is one of the original Zariyan goddess, she was happy with the Tartarus taking command of Zariya. She thinks that as gods and goddesses, they are peers, co-workers and family. Especially with Yubis, she learned a lot with the aspect of death. So, it was a shock that an individual that was treated as one of their own is being threatened right now.

"Yes. It shifted to a yellow alert right now." Yubis replied as he started to type things on his keyboard and played multiple videos at once. "But do not stop your work because of this. If everyone would know and slack off, we would be in bigger trouble. Besides, the mommy is here." He said casually over the video call.

"Uhm sir, I am kind of worried… Can I s-stay on the line? And I think I can help. Don't worry, I will do my work and finish it… I promise." Morticia embarrassingly requested.

Sefie watched their conversation and was touched with the concern that these gods and goddesses were over with her adoptive son. She whispered to Yubis, agreeing to Morticia's request. After that she was trying to do a phone call and had stepped a bit far from Yubis's desk.

"Ok Ticia. But be sure you finish your work. Sister-in-law here, will be mad if you don't finish today's work." Yubis smiled. This goddess might be an original goddess but the way she mingles with everyone, she is indeed a part of them. Also, the death aspect is one of the things that can help them with this dilemma.

"Y-yes sir!!" Morticia blushed and was energized. She was not turned down. For these small moments, she really felt the belongingness despite the difference with their origins as gods. These simple things are what Morticia is happy about.

"Stand by for now and do your work. I will call your attention later since we may actually need you. I just need to narrow down the people responsible then you pull up their files." Yubis said typed in the keyboard and as he was searching names in the database.

"Ok sir!" Morticia replied energetically. Then she went to type in her daily work even if the video is still ongoing.

"Wait. Aren't elves supposed to be on our devotees?" Horus could not help but ask. He has gist that there is a lack of manpower in Tartarus and the oversight of Zariya. However, he does not have exact details of what is their status as the gods of the world. He found it weird that their own devotees are being absurd and even plotted to kill their own people. He was not shocked by the events because it did happen during the ancient era. He found it weird because they were more interactive with ruling this world rather than the previous gods and the ancient era.

"Yes, we are supposed to have a strong presence with the elves…" Yubis replied to the inquiry.

"Supposed?" Horus was bewildered. 'Was it this bad while I was away?' he started to question himself.

"We may have a reason to believe that Vreta's Chrysalis was taken by one of the elves." Yubis flicked his wrist, and a folder flew in front of Horus. It was more of a book rather since it was quite thick.

"Shit. Is this for real?" Horus blurted in disbelief while reading some details on the files.

"The problem is we still haven't found out the perpetrator." Yubis said but his face was glued to the monitor.

Horus was quiet for a moment until Yubis exclaimed. "Found it!"

Sefie turned her head towards the screen. She saw the meeting of men in the emerald garden and seemed to get enraged by it. "How dare they lay fingers to my son!"

"Now is not the time to be angry, sister-in-law." Yubis calmed his sister-in-law who was ready to explode. In ancient times, Sefie was regarded as a two-faced person or having two personalities. The Spring Sefie which is gentle and kind. When you see her, it is the kind of feeling as if the world is alright and nothing should go wrong. And then there is the Winter Sefie, the one who is cold and harsh as if the wrath of god shall end the earth. This was evident during the ancient era. That's why people don't want to mess with the underworld. This is what Yubis is preventing. Sefie's shift to winter mode. Because he believes something is brewing underneath these events. He needs just to act in time. It's his gut feeling as a god. This is a familiar feeling that he had when someone stole Vreta-chan's chrysalis. Yubis typed something on the screen and then faced his attention to the video call with Morticia. "Ticia, pull up the profiles of these people."


While as if the world is coming to an end, Ryuji just woke up from his sleep. They arrived fairly late last night, and he invited the wolves to stay inside the cave instead of outside. Though he has no bed and furniture the wolves settled their own spaces in his small dwelling. He woke up and tiptoed to the riverbank to wash himself up.

After he washed his face with flowing water then wiped his face off with his hands to dry the excess water. He looked around and saw Pyun-Pyun bouncing towards his side. "So shall we get breakfast?"

Then he saw the two wolves emerging from the cave.

"Master you are awake." Raiji smiled.