Acquiring Seeds (3)

* WARNING: This and some following chapters have some smut.

Eliseyah finished her drink and processing the power with the last drop of the elvish seed. She then moved her hand and slowly caressed the bare chest of the elven man and fiddling the nipple of the man. Caelvath suppressed himself from moaning and instead produced a soft grunt. This is why she liked elves. They have strong bodies like knights, but they did not have scars like them. They had a richer life force like mages. Their beauty and innocence are really fun to play with. Even the moon elf Emyth, the king of Valereth, was this innocent despite having sired two children. While blood is a powerful life force, these kinds of things cannot be done when acquiring blood. This might be less messy, but it is even titillating and stimulating her desires.

She purposely moaned against Caelvath's ear as her hand entwined his stiff organ. "You are very much like Galvalen when I had him for the first time. He was making such an innocent face like yours right now. It is very, very, very adorable." She smirked seductively as she slowly caressed the man's stiffness below.

Hearing Galvalen's name from the filthy mouth of this woman had shocked Caelvath. Galvalen is a powerful elven warrior which was paired with the elvish princess. But since the elven princess went missing, he was a bit of aloof. But he did not notice anything unusual after that, only the indifference when the previous elven princess is mentioned. However, even for a mighty elven warrior like Galvalen fell for the lust of the queen. Why does the king not punish this vile woman? Caelvath glared at the queen but since she was holding him, his body could feel hotter. His senses are starting to dull again, he tried to fight it off by biting his lip. For the first time he tried to speak. In his hoarse voice. "W-Why are you doing this??"

"Why? Do I need a reason why?" Eliseyah chuckled. "Don't you want to play with me?" She purposely let her nightgown drop further from her shoulder revealing her plump breast. "Don't you want to fondle?"

"B-B-But… this is treason…." Caelvath attempted to reason but his body was betraying him. He could feel the desire to be touched by the woman. He is losing his sanity against this woman. Her suggestions are dangerous.

"Do you want the king's permission?" Eliseyah chuckled as if what Caelvath said was a joke. Ever since she took the blood of the count's female elven slave, her apple had powerful effects. But it was harder to slowly rip the defense of the King of elves. She remembered the instance when she thought she was done when the king witnessed her taking of Galvalen. Interestingly she was able to sway the king to join her. It was the first time that she tasted two men at the same time. She savored the excitement that it brought, getting caught but she even made the king as an accomplice. "Oh my, I thought you are just delirious. It seems I am going to have so much fun breaking you. I have even a better idea, why don't you and I play together… with the king?" She smiled.

A sound of the door closing was heard. "My, my… speaking of the devil..." Eliseyah smiled as she saw the white-haired man which was their topic just now. But this smile was accompanied by a glowing golden light.

Caelvath looked at the new visitor who stood before them. He was horrified. He can never mistake the presence of long white hair. The visitor was his majesty the king. Will he die right now?

"Why don't you get comfortable?" Eliseyah directed her words to the newcomer. Her words were casual. As she spoke the radiant golden light enveloped her skin.

Caelvath was more confused. His sanity was being fragmented every time the queen spoke. That golden light shines which breaks his consciousness further. To add up, the king stripped without questions or resistance. It was like he was a puppet. Then Caelvath had noticed, the eyes of the king were empty.

Eliseyah stood up and rested her chin on the king's shoulder as if taunting Caelvath. She playfully caressed the king's chest. "Should we play with our new toy?"

"…Yes…" King Emyth mumbled. He sounded unwilling but his eyes were still empty.

"I can't hear you my dear." Eliseyah looked at the terrified Caelvath. But her tone was sulking as if she was disappointed with the response.

"Yes…. Master." The king replied emotionlessly.

"Now, you don't want to go against the king, right?" Eliseyah looked at the motionless Caelvath. The golden light glowed brighter than earlier. Now even her eyes emitted a golden glow.

"Y-y-yes master…" The young elven man mumbled.

"I like good boys... let's play together then." Eliseyah smirked in satisfaction.


"Wow. That woman is a nymphomaniac." Horus commented on the live feed that they just watched. Ever since Yubis pointed out the people who ordered the "If we import her to another world, she might be the best porn actress that will ever be." The falcon god exclaimed. It was a joke, but it was not farfetched after seeing the woman take advantage of several men.

"She is disgusting." Sefie glared at the screen. The filthy display of the woman seducing the elves. Even the king had fallen for her. While she and Hades are following a monogamous relationship, she was not against having multiple wives or husbands. Kings and some of the cultures in Zariya permit polyamorous relationship as well. Though common people had to settle themselves on an arrangement. She was ticked off on how the men followed her, which she felt was wrong. She even attempted to cast a blessing of protection earlier, but she could not reach the individuals on the screen. As if her divine powers were blocked.

"Did you see that light?" Yubis asked the two other gods. With the help of the aspect of Knowledge, he has more analysis skills, he already noticed that there is some sort of light enveloped on the woman called Eliseyah. He also noticed that Sefie did attempt to do some sort of a spell just now but judging her reaction, she was unsuccessful.

"What light?" Horus asked back. He looked confused. Was there even a light? He was more distracted how the woman haughtily acted. For him, he was judging the woman as a pervert, preying on elven men.

"The golden light around her skin." Sefie pointed out. She was quite angry because they are doing this and witnessing such lascivious acts. To add to her irritation, her adopted son is still not out of danger. When the light was mentioned, she felt something was off with the light. She is thinking that the light may be something to do with blocking her blessing to protect the men.

"Oh, that light. I thought it was her skin. What about it?" Horus asked. He finally noticed the faint golden light. He overlooked this part because he was busy judging the woman. He felt that this soul should be kicked out the realm.

"It is divine power." Yubis replied. He was sure of it. That same resonance is quite familiar like the canopic jars that he handed over to Ryuji but at the same time it is quite different. Yubis was baffled. A divine item appeared under their nose and moreover it is quite destructive in terms of the devotees. Even after Takehiko was saved, they should be investigating this further. He voiced out what is bugging his thoughts. "I can't figure out how a divine power like that ended up at her hands?"

"Didn't we all account all divine items? We don't have divine artifacts that could do that." Sefie was in disbelief after hearing a divine item. They do account all divine items every year. They were diligent about it since some of the divine items are mostly destructive. This was the first thing that they tried to control. All divine items from Tartarus are kept properly if not they tag who should be keeping them instead like the function which they imbued with the , and . It was a tracking system. The other minor divine items which are enshrined mostly in the temples are also stringently tracked. How did this woman get her hands on one and what is her divine item? Gods and goddesses have a unique signature on a divine item, it has some sort of a log system who created it, who owned it and who is the current owner. However, if this rogue divine item has no logs like who are the current and past owners, it should at least provide who created it.

"What if that divine item is not coming from us?" Yubis pointed out. He had already checked all the logs earlier of the divine items, it was on a specific log file in the newly created shared network in Tartarus. He is guessing that there is a big possibility that it is another god and guessing that a divine item that was given to a mortal, it was not tracked. There is still a chance that it may have come from Tartarus affiliated gods but moreover this might be doing of an outsider god.