The <Golden Apple>

* WARNING: This and some following chapters have smut and strong language.

Medusa conjured a seat out of thin air and sat beside Morticia. The goddess of death handed one of the earphones to her which was received by one of the snakes and fit it carefully to Medusa's ear. They both watched the video as it was played again by Morticia, but Medusa's eyes were focused on the beauty of that elven man bared without any shame. To be accurate, she was feasting her eyes on the elven man. He was too good looking for Medusa's high standards. Judging on the elf's face value, he is simply perfect. He is not feminine but not chiseled to the bone. Also, the body of the man was similar to the Ancient Greek men during the first Olympics. He is not too thin because she can see the definition on his abs and pectorals even the biceps and triceps of the guy but not too muscular either. That elf guy would even be good on a runway as an underwear model. These thoughts filled Medusa's fantasy male lead. If the guy will be a male lead, he should be a nine out of ten.

Morticia glanced at Medusa's face. She sighed. As a goddess, they should be dignified. But Medusa was starting to drool.

The snakes on her head did catch the other information of the details and hissed the information to Medusa. Morticia is correct, the man is in some kind of a trance and another snake pointed out about the flickering golden aura. It is useful to have these snakes these times because they can focus on several perspectives.

Morticia and Medusa along with her snakes watched the whole scene. The woman on the video tied up the naked elven man. She learned that the woman's name is a Eliseyah de Floris, a human woman who is the current Queen of the Elves in Valereth. The elven man is Galvalen. They watched how the woman caressed the body of the defenseless man and just reacted to women's touches as if synchronizing with her, following whatever she wanted. Every time the woman speaks and teases the man, the golden light flickers. Then the movements of the couple on the screen made Morticia flinch.

The woman busied herself with the man's nether regions, burying her face against the man's groin. The man moans and they can hear him breathing heavily while she lets her carnal desires run wild devouring his flesh.

Medusa was grinning. The woman was giving the elven man a blowjob. She got to hand it to this redhead. The elven man was gifted with his endowment, but she was able to take it whole. The snakes watched this scene and hissed as if they were commenting. Every time the man moans and his breathing become faster, the golden light surrounding the woman flickers brighter. This distracted Medusa. The guy called Galvalen looked wrong despite him being handsome. While his face looked, he is in ecstasy brought by sex, his eyes remained empty and dull. Until he was able to release the redhead did not remove her head against the man's groin. Once the man was able to release, the woman greedily swallowed everything and wiped her face as if she tasted something delicious. "She is quite a literal man-eater…" Medusa commented so casually.

Throughout the scene, Morticia was in shock. She was horrified and embarrassed. She felt her eyes were desecrated by something filthy, but her complexion says otherwise. To add up, she watched it with Medusa. She felt the scene was an eternity while the man lasted like around fifteen minutes according to the video timer.

Then they heard the woman say, "Your seed is really perfect for my ." This line stopped Medusa in her tracks. 'Golden apple?' The name was familiar.

"T-thank you master." The guy on the video recording replied to the woman. He was breathing heavily, catching his breath trying to regain energy after that release. Morticia felt it was awkward to see someone even thanked the person who just took advantage of them.

Then Eliseyah put her hand out and a golden light appeared. It was shining brightly like a small sun at her palm, but some Medusa's snakes hissed in disbelief. When Medusa's eyes adjusted, she even blurted out as if cursing. "Why is that here?" Medusa's face turned from amusement to worry.

"What is it?" Morticia asked the goddess of snakes.

"The …" Medusa murmured. If the golden apple is here, does that mean that there will be a war soon?

Morticia looked at the ball of golden light at Eliseyah's palm. Eventually, she saw an outline of an apple. It had the same color as the golden light surrounding the elven queen. "Is it possible that it is the item that provides her powers?"

"It is not possible. It is definitely the one responsible." Medusa looked at Morticia with worry.

Morticia saw her co-worker's worried face and paused it. "Do you know something about it?"

Medusa's worry is not unfounded though and she decided to share the detail to Morticia who was not aware of the affairs of Ancient Greece. "How do I start with this… The caused a war among gods and men from the previous world we were in. It even caused the most frustrating things for us in the ruling system."

"What was that?" Morticia asked. All she has ever known was Zariya. She had known that other worlds exist but only in recent decades that she was able to utilize things that were brought from another world. This was because their boss, Sefie and Hades, often visits them. Even their mentor

"From what I know, it was one of the cases that caused the non-intervention clause that most worlds in Cosmos have." Medusa replied. This came up while she was studying for the Void aspect exams. It was more for the written general knowledge test.

From what Morticia remembered, Zariya has a non-intervention clause of some sort where gods could not interfere with the affairs of the mortals directly. They can only create for opportunities. However, it was said that if they were to face an apocalyptic event, they can put everything at their disposal. "If I remember, the world back then was not a Cosmos world but rather an independent one."

"You are correct, girl." Medusa replied. Her snakes hissed as if a cheering squad for the goddess of death.

"Then, aren't you from the same world as Takehiko?" Morticia wondered.

"You could say that, but we have a huge time gap, my dear." Medusa chuckled. Some of the snakes nodded at Morticia.

"Oh. I forgot about that." Morticia exasperated.

"Anyway, if I recall right, the was something that an older Goddess of Tartarus had thrown during a wedding banquet of gods in Olympus just to spite everyone." Medusa then continued. The snakes were all looking at their owner listening attentively.

"Really?" Morticia became wide-eyed. It was originally from Tartarus then? It may probably be within the database if it originated from Tartarus. She felt she was hearing something as if it was just a tip of an iceberg.

"She was not invited at the wedding. So, in an act for revenge she had thrown the apple amongst the crowd. It was said whoever owns the would be the fairest of them all. Of course, all of the Goddesses were hooked with that superficial idea of being the fairest of all." Medusa summarized the rumors that she could remember. It was the biggest explosive scandal back then. Everyone who knew the affair would be something embarrassing on a godly scale.

"That was petty." Morticia commented.

It was indeed a petty thing to scuffle for a mere apple that was addressed as the fairest of them all. If it were mortals it may possibly happen since it is a divine item but as gods who had to uphold their reputation and dignity, that is outrageous. Divine items for gods were merely whims and for convenience sake. It rarely had powers to assist the gods. For example, like the , if their lady boss Sefie would wear that, the effect is useless. It will be just a beautiful necklace for their boss. Meanwhile, if Hades would use the , it might work but only for the forms of the item but not the effect it offers. In this case, the gods who had scuffled to gain the apple just simply wanted the 'fairest' title. It is akin to a brick that had some letters and everyone went mad over it.

"I know right. Then it came down to three goddesses who had the most ego, or let's say the biggest bitches in Olympus." Medusa explained.

"Who were they?" Morticia inquired. This is the first time that she heard goddesses outside Cosmos. She never encountered one that was not affiliated with Cosmos and she even has not met all the gods in Cosmos. This greatly piqued her curiosity. Another thing that fueled her curiosity was Medusa's colorful description of them.

"The whore Aphrodite, the nagging Hera and the bitchiest of them all, Athena." Medusa said it was as colorful as possible. She indeed has harbored hatred with the Olympian gods.