Yubis Calls Back

While the Takehiko's party was having issues with approaching the Spring of Origin, Ryuji and his party had just finished having their dinner and started to prepare for the night. He and his familiars had stuck to the daily goals due to uncertainty of Vreta's ongoing quest. They had stocked up about ten tuskers and various rabivores that they caught for the past few days excluding the one that they just ate. He concentrated on Raiji and Fuji's progress. Raiji was more driven since they had consistently hit their goal which Ryuji had noticed. The older wolf brother was very proactive in leading with the hunt. Fuji, the younger wolf brother was able to start practicing mana control, he was very proficient with his thunder but in terms of other elements, it would yet manifest. He showed promising proficiency with the earth element. But Ryuji was not in a hurry since he himself has no knowledge with the world yet, the spells that he had come across as of the moment are less than basic spells provided by Yubis and the ones that he tried manifesting on his own.

Both wolf brothers were able to use the skill after numerous attempts during free times after they got back from hunts. The spell or skill may not be an attack nor defense magic but it's a useful utility as Ryuji explained to the wolves. It provided their stats and list of skills and they can track their progress. They finally were able to picture out the screen even Pyun-Pyun who he deemed gaining intelligence due to the effect of the spell. But before Ryuji can take a peek at things like the unlocked skills for the wolves, a familiar light appeared.

"Yohoo!" Yubis waved his hand greeting the pair of wolves, a slime, and a goblin.

Ryuji looked at the direction of the light and saw Yubis, or rather his holographic image glowing. It looked like a ghost at first, but the image exudes a divine aura. Though it was not as powerful as when Yubis' holographic image first appeared a few days ago. Ryuji exclaimed, "Oh Yubis-sama…. you contacted back!"

Ryuji can't say Yubis called back because he did not use any telephone but rather a cool interactive hologram.

The wolves and the slime went to the side and sat obediently watching a god or a holographic image of a god conversing with their master. The slime has no emotions due to its streamlined design and just jiggles gently as if giving way to the conversation of the higher beings. The two wolves are awed by the appearance of Yubis. they could feel the divine aura even though it was faint though according to their master it's an image projection. Perhaps this is due to their experience before and knowing the identity of the jackal man.

"Yes. I apologize because I was very busy…" Yubis apologized casually.

"It's alright…" Ryuji got embarrassed. Yubis is a god and ever since Ryuji died, accepting an apology from a divine being provides a feeling of some kind of validation that he was somehow wronged. He felt that they gods were just, and they don't overlook things because they are powerful. Ryuji believes he can communicate with them in the long run though about working, he might consider them due to him being treated with respect. However, he should really consider getting all the details as much as possible unlike this first quest from Vreta. Ryuji spoke, "I want to ask where I should deliver-" but he was cut off immediately.

"We can set it aside for now." Yubis spoke, cutting off the goblin.

"Eh?" Ryuji was surprised but at the same time he wanted to curse Yubis for cutting him off. The earlier opinion that he had suddenly decreased. 'This god is too casual from the get-go.' He inwardly thought. Ryuji composed himself thinking that gods have power to send his existence into nothingness. He then asked, "So should i keep this for now?"

"I guess that would be fitting." Yubis was also thinking. He seemed uneasy as his image is quite fidgeting or he might be excited about something else. "By the way, any idea on how you get the skill ?"

"I don't know exactly. I just attempted to pray with… uhh… sincerity?" Ryuji replied with uncertainty. As far as he knows, that was his first time reversing a god. He himself was unsure. Perhaps the reason that Yubis is a god but at the same time he can converse back. The tangibility of conversations that they had was something Ryuji did cling onto as he said his prayers. Perhaps that was the trigger?

"Pray?" Yubis curiously asked. There were too many questions that were raised at the last meeting. But praying may actually be a logical reason since the skill would require a focus on the specific god who they wish to talk to.

"Yes. I offered prayers to you." Ryuji truthfully answered. He is confused on how he got a hold of a skill with no details. He usually does prayers with half the effort and sincerity after his brother died in his past life. Since he started to believe that gods existed, he just ought to give it a try, but he never expected a skill like that to be unlocked.

"To me?" Yubis asked. He was quite surprised.

"Yes, because out of all the gods I have met so far you were the one that i had spoken to several times with." Ryuji replied. "However, I got to the part where a voice prompt asked me of who I was calling."

"You mean the switchboard?" Yubis is trying to understand the answers coming from Ryuji. Yubis is slowly understanding why Ryuji's prayer went to his line that may have triggered the , however this goblin's prayer still went to the voice response switchboard line.

"Yes." Ryuji replied. He watched how Yubis is being quiet for a moment. Ryuji spoke, "So… you guys have an operator and even a voice response? It is like I called a random company trunk line."

"Ah, yes. It was made that way to emulate that we are also an organization. Some calls are misdirected since we decided to affiliate ourselves into one group." Yubis was a bit embarrassed. While they are indeed higher beings, they could not replicate things perfectly because when they do replicate modern times, they do it on a whim though it was more efficient to organize things like that into a structure. This is most likely the reason why some gods like Sefie and Hades visit other countries during their vacations.

"Eh?? Really? So how do you use the ?" Ryuji was curious. When he checked his status page, it does not give any details on what it does, but he had a rough idea in mind because he had experienced using it once. Moreover, he was curious if there are any details that can help since Yubis said that he can only hear static from the last time he conversed with the jackal god.

"Well, it's like how you said it. One would need to concentrate on the god that you wish to speak. It is similar to skill but the skill would need to be level 5 or higher and exhausts too much mana to use for conversation." Yubis explained. It is rather a straightforward simple skill.

"That is not helpful you know." Ryuji disappointedly replied. He was expecting more details, but he got a simple one.

"That's how it is. Though, you had some static when I spoke to you earlier. Honestly, it's a lot of static." Yubis teased.

"That's why I thought you have more information on it. I have been pondering it for two days since we last talked." Ryuji maintained his respectful tone but was inwardly sulking.

"Wha- You mean it's already been two days?" Yubis was surprised. He was just discussing with gods on what to do and reviewing the non-intervention rule to make sure when they send a person who would act as the representative to save Takehiko. He forgot that the flow of time. He thought it was just an hour or two since Ryuji called. He should have checked with Morticia about the timer or have her remind him especially they are dealing to save a potential demigod.

"Yes, it was. But you mentioned you were busy, so I did not mind about it. It's better to finish up your divine tasks." Ryuji politely smiled and shrugged the incident off. He is a mere mortal goblin and how can he demand to chat with personal matters while Yubis was working. Besides, what matters is the jackal god called him back and at least he knows what the is despite it's a straightforward skill.

"Oh right. I was very busy trying to plan to save someone." Yubis chuckled.

"Oh, I guess you should get back to it then." Ryuji politely said his goodbye. Since Vreta's quest, specifically the delivery of the chrysalis is to be postponed and he got answers with , he would not dare to impede a god in carrying out his task which seemed critical.

"Actually, I called because there is something urgent." Yubis said in a serious manner.