Chapter II: Dream

Margaux's POV

"Where am I?" I whispered. I look around and saw nothing. I'm walking in a dirty green grass and there was full of blood. I was so scared and don't know what to do.So I shout for help "Hello? Is anybody there?" But nobody answer me. I was walking alone when I heard a noise "Help!!!Help Us!!!" I was so shock.

'I'm not alone'

I ran away where I heard the noise,maybe I can help them but I stop when I saw them dead and I saw the killer's back and I think he wears a mask. I covered my mouth so I can't make any sound but he saw me,and look at me. It startle me so I turned around to run.

But when I'm about to do it, someone appeared in front of me. 'The killer is not alone' I was so shock to the point that I can't move. My hands and foot are shaking because she's holding a knife in front of me, and she's a girl so I walk backward until I bump to someone which is the killer that I saw earlier.

That's the time that my tears fell on my cheeks because they're ready to kill me. I shouted as much as I can but no one hear me. They lift their arm with a knife on it and ready to stab me "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

"Hey, sweatie wake up already.What happened? Are you okay? Your friends are waiting downstairs" my mom wake me up should I thank her for waking me up? Yes it's a dream. SCARY DREAM. I was scared that's why I hug my mom and cried.

"Sweetie, are you okay?What happened? Why are you crying?" My mom hug me tight and I feel okay so I told her everything

"It's just a dream okay? Don't believe in a bad dream and don't think it anymore, so you can't dream it again okay?Ready yourself because your friends are waiting downstairs they asked me if you can go with them. Mage-enroll daw kayo sa new school" What? Enroll? I don't remember na may usapan kami. But I nodded at her. She kiss me in my forehead and went out. I go to my bathroom and take a bath.

It's a summer and I don't know what to wear. I stare at the two clothes that I choose. In my right hand, I'm holding a mini skirt above the knee and a crop top while in my other hand I'm holding a jogger pants and glow in the dark T-shirt. I'm running out of time so I choose my first choice.

I went down and saw my three girl friends, I greet them. "Hello, girls! I'm sorry I'm late"

Rhianne answered, "No, it's okay we're the one who's early today" and she chuckle.

My mom appeared and ask us to eat first before we leave. While eating in the dinner area with my friends and mom,I broke the silence "Mom, do you have work today?" I asked.

"Of course I have! Take care okay? I have a business trip in states while your dad is in England today. He went there early in the morning..If you need something,just call me okay?" My mom answered, I nodded at her silently.

Until I remembered something but before I ask my friends Audrey speak up "Anyway, sorry Margaux we forgot to tell you that we found something and we we're so curious about it let's try to enroll there" she said happily and giggle I silently look at Rhianne, my bff and I was trying to ask her by using my eyes.. what-the-hell-is-happening-look she just smiled at me.

I was about to speak and ask because I feel like someting is wrong. Parang maling pumunta kami dun I disagree to their idea pero curiosity kills a cat.

I don't know what to do, if I will follow my guts just because I'm just f*cking curious about that or wag nalang dahil parang may mali talaga.

But Aubrey speak up she followed her twin's word, yes she's Audrey's twin sister "So Auntie, will you allow Margaux to come with us?I heard there's a dorm inside too.. Isn't it cool?" she asked my mom...

"Of course why not?" my mom answered...why do I feel that something is wrong? It give me chills and I feel so nervous about it.

"Aren't your parents are in business trip too?" my mom followed her answer...

"Yes tita" they said in chorus. After we ate, mom is ready to go "Bye mom!"/" Bye tita!" we said in chorus.

"Why did you go here so early? You didn't even inform me" I asked them. They are not like this "Margaux wag ka na magtampo...biglaan kasi eh.. Beside I was so curious..I found that map in our house" Rhianne said. "Beside we love investigating right? Why don't we investigate it?" Aubrey suggested.

After we ate, my mom went out already with her luggage and bag "Bye mom! I love you" I waved at her when the driver opens the door and she gets in the car. My friends waved at my mom too. When my mom is already far away I asked my friends "Where are we going? We don't have plans" I laugh.

Aubrey answered me, "Just like old times!" she laughed and we laughed too, we get in the car. Rianne offered that she would like to drive my car so I let her drive my car while I went to shot gun seat and the twins in the back seat.

While we are in the road trip, we sang our theme song.

Just like old times this is us, if we have no plans we will drive around,until we stopped to a place that we all like.

"Girls, let's stop by in 7/11 we didn't bring snacks" I told them and they agreed.