Chapter VI: Long Lost First Love

Audrey's POV

"Anyway what is her name? We forgot to ask her" I ask her secretary. "Her name is Madame Anna. But she preferred 'Madame' so call her like that" the secretary answered and she pointed the dorms.

"This your dorms, anyway, I should go" she continue. My friends and I got curios until we remembered why.

We looked into our watch, we covered our mouth and looked at each other and we run fast because 5 minutes before freedom night. We are looking into dorm number "Girls I got mine! See you tomorrow" Rhianne waved.

"Lucky girl! I can't find mine, anyway, see you" I said and I almost cry "Finally!" Aubrey shouted. Oh no! sis, found hers I looked again until I found it "Finally I found mine yey!".

I looked at them happily and they smiled too but our smiled faded when the bell rang it means Freedom Night OMG! "Margaux? How about you did you found it?" Rhianne asked Margaux with a worried look "Oh no! don't tell me your dorm is far away from us?" Aubrey said.

"It's okay girls! You should go now! It's freedom night" Margaux smiled "But..." Rhianne protested "No buts Rhianne, go now!" Margaux said. I hope she'll be okay I'm scared for her. As I entered in my room I was so shocked my roommate is a guy?!? What the?!?

First Person's POV

It's FREEDOM NIGHT; and I was walking to my dorm until I saw a familiar girl, she was wandering around and I think she is finding her dorm and she looks a new student here but she's really familiar to me.

I was about to open my dorm's door but I saw 'them' I cursed when I saw 'them' and I hide myself in the ceiling I seek to look if they're gone, I sigh in a deep breath but I remembered the girl I looked at her directions; she was nearby in my dorms I seek if they saw her.

I got shock when they almost saw her. I grabbed the girl, she was shocked and she's about to shout but I stop her by pointing my fingers to her lips and we heard them "Dude, where are you looking at? We're going this way" I seek to know if they're gone and I look to the girl again she was staring at me.

I smirk at her "W-who are y-you?" she said while stuttering "I'm not a bad guy don't worry, you're safe now" I smiled and stare at her, now I figured it out who is she.

I control myself not to cry. After 5 years I saw her again."Anyway why are you still here? It's freedom night" I asked her.

"Actually I'm lost---" she laughed, damn that laugh I miss it. I want to hug her...but I don't think that she remembered me..."---I was finding my dorm when you grabbed me after we saw them but...but who are they? Why did you...?" she continued what she said.

"It's nothing,okay, I will help you to find it...It's dangerous outside" of course I'm concerned to her...b-because I l-love her yes she's my girl, my long lost first love...she had a car accident before that's why...

Margaux's POV

I don't think this is good...talking to a stranger? What if he's one of them? I mean the one who killed? Like madame said?

But why I'm not scared after all? Why I feel like I'm safe when he's around? Why did my heart fluttered when he hold my hand to grab and when he's concerned about me? damn this is crazy!

"Ahm...okay thanks...this is my dorm number" I said while showing him my number and key "Oh, great it's my dorm too..this is our dorm" he said while pointing at the door in front of us...I smiled at him and entered...he followed me and entered too...

I wander around and there was a 2 door which is I think is our room, this dorm look like a condo...while I'm wandering, he sat down on the dining area and eat.

I should be afraid because my roommate is a guy but...what is this?!? Why do I'm feeling like this?!? Why do I feel like I missed him?!? Why do I keep staring at him?!? This is really crazy!!

"Sorry to interrupt you while you're eating but...which is your room here?" I asked him.

"You can choose yours...actually I never slept there, I always slept in the sofa" he answered.

"Okay, thank you! Anyway we talked almost 20 minutes since earlier in outside but I still don't know what's your name" I laughed...he stared at me for a moment..

"You really don't know?" he sigh and smiled sadly I don't know if I'm just hallucinating or what but...that's what I'm seeing right now.

I was about to answered but.."If you really don't know, Luxury Valdez in your service---" he salute at me "---and we met before...that's the only thing I can say it'll be too complicated for you" he continue his words and smiled sadly...

Luxury's POV

I wanted to tell her how much I love her, how much I miss her but...this isn't the right time for it because she still don't know me and beside, me and my friends still have a mission here and I think Margaux's friends are here too.

I should think a wiser plan than before, since Margaux is here, I won't let 'them' touch my girl...and they can't do anything about it...I looked at her door where she entered, damn I miss her so many times do I say that 'I miss her'? It's funny that I said it many times but I couldn't tell her.

I wash my dishes then go straight to sofa...I get my phone and it was ringing "Golden Fish<3" Golden is calling, Golden is actually his name.

I never changed the TROPS codename because it was Margaux idea when she's still with us.It was before the accident.

I answered my phone, "Dudeeeee! Can't believe what's happening right now!" he's always like that, being hyper boy in our group.

"Me too, can't believe that she's back...she had an amnesia dude she forgot me even my name" I rant to him and cried, it's okay because he's my bestfriend after all.

Do you think girls are the only one who have a right to cry? Well you're wrong,boys can cry too we're also have a feelings, we're a human too, we can hurt too...

"Kelvin and Harry called me..They're back damn! The good news they remembered us even you,the bad news is Margaux don't know us...You're ranting because your roommate is Isabelle doesn't she? Don't worry our roommates is her friends; mine is Audrey, while Kelvin is Rhianne and Harry is Aubrey; yours is Isabelle right? Don't you like it? it's partners" He laughed hard...

"It's not like that, yes, I'm happy because she's my roommate this is my chance but I don't want her to feel uncomfortable" because I think I'm making her feel uncomfortable.

"Why? You are the one who should feel uncomfortable because you knew her while she doesn't" Golden advised and he laughed after...tss he has a point "Fine...bye" then he hang up...