My ramblings

Hi readers,

This story was a product of boredom.

Once my friends said that they were bored so I made up this story and told them for three long days through WhatsApp.

Thus, this was the very first story created for this series.

Well, actually this wasn't a series, to begin with. They were all independent of each other. I tried my best to sew them into a series.

This story is basically spun around the theme of 'love at first sight'.

I am a practical person so it is difficult for me to imagine how it works. But I've tried to some extent to merge it here.

Also, English isn't my mother tongue. If I make any errors in the structuring of the story then I ask my readers to forgive me.


This is the third part of a series. And the first two books are

1. Arranged by chance and Married by choice

2. Runaway rich guy's love endeavour

And the characters are as follows

Timo: the ML. He's the eldest and the visual of a boyband '5 Emperors'. He's 29 years old.

Kai: the leader of the said boyband. His age is 28 years

Ray/ Liu Wei Xin: Second good looking male of the boyband. He is also 28 years old.

Mui: The smiling angel of the group. He's one of the mischief-makers. He is 27 years old.

Vic: The youngest of the group. He is 26 years old.

And last but not the least

Shew: the MC. She's 27 years old. She had a past and a motive in the present.

The setting is five years after where the first book ended. The premises are set for this story in the second book.

Let's get on with the story and hope you all enjoy.