Reunion: after 5 years

Five years passed away in a flash. The group of the five members saw many ups and downs in this period of time.

The major events to take place were Kai's sudden marriage the first year and Ray taking a break soon after that. Later, Kai's old flame Lee In-soo caused some trouble for his wife Mel.

Thus, the team hadn't had a smooth journey altogether. They were all nearing thirty and some of them were still single.

It wasn't a problem for Mui and Vic who were actively exploring in the outside world but the problem was with Timo.

He was still hung up on that unknown girl he met back then. Also, he had somehow dug up a photo of her from that day after harassing the crew for a fortnight. The guys all knew but they didn't bring it up fearing his wrath.

The members did try to talk to him but everything ended miserably. So they eventually gave up. Leaving him to his devices. At least he wasn't obsessed or depressed about it. That was a relief for them.

The band also unexpectedly took a three-year break after releasing their mini-album. All five of them wanted to experiment with their solo careers and it was a great time for them to branch out. After the adventure, they were now preparing for their most anticipated comeback ever.

Timo was the first to arrive at their studio. The guys had all scheduled to meet up and finalise their album design the very day.

Seeing that he was alone and it would still take time for others to arrive he decided to make the best use of the time he had- by writing lyrics. He was pretty good at it too.

"What are you writing big bro?" The sudden sound interrupted the flow of the eldest brother's words on paper.

Timo was brought out of his intense concentration by their youngest group member. It was surprising that Vic actually bothered to come early. It was a refreshing sight. 'If Kai was present then he would definitely be proud of Vic.' Timo thought and smiled widely at the youngest brother. "What else do I write but lyrics for a new song, Vic?"

"Solo or group?" Vic was curious. If it was for a solo then he would beg Timo to present the song to him. They were that good and most of the time suited his style.

"The song is for our group Vic. After all, we are back together after three years." Vic's fantasies were interrupted by another arrival. But he didn't mind it. Instead, his smile widened more than ever before.

"How have you been Ray? I am so excited to be back after all these years." Vic enquired him enthusiastically and also expressed his happiness of getting back together again with their group.

His energy and smile were infectious. Timo who was still seated by the table grinned happily, "That we can see Vic. You're full of energy."

"So where are Kai and Mui?" Ray took a seat on the large sofa and made himself comfortable.

Timo shrugged in response, "Might be on their way." Vic was here thus, they didn't have to worry much.

"We are here." Chimed in Kai and Mui joined him to put his two cents, "What is this? You guys started without us?"

The quintet embraced each other by taking turns and their happiness to be back as a group was clear as a sunny day. Although they met over dinner, work, parties and all, coming back together to work as a group filled them with a different kind of energy and nostalgia from their teen days.

It was almost a decade since they debuted and their fans were waiting for a huge surprise from the group.

After a bit of catching up, they went back to work. As they were about to wrap up for the day, Vic shouted out. "You are again in news big bro!"

"Anything interesting?" Timo asked trying to stifle a yawn. They had spent hours huddled in the meeting and were all a little tired.

Vic shook his head, "Nothing it's just about your breakup."

Timo sighed before nonchalantly waving off the news, "Boring."

"It's your 79th breakup right?" Ray was amazed. He was a guy devoted to a single woman his whole life and could really not understand how this big brother of his changed his girlfriends frequently.

Mui once again chimed in, "In last three years you've dated 79 women! Are you trying to set some record here?"

After all of this, how could Kai stay quiet? Being the leader and all it was his responsibility to always say something. "You really are living up to your song."

"Huh?" Timo really did not understand what Kai was referring to.

"Heartbreaker." Kai replied with a smirk. It was one of the tracks of Timo's solo work. The song didn't do so well but Kai's wife Mel was hooked to it. The lyrics were simple about a guy who was a Casanova- not exactly a meaningful track but it was chill and good for lazy days.

Timo frowned, "Stop it already." This was nowhere an interesting topic anymore.

They all burst out laughing at Timo's sour expression.

"Real mature guys." All Timo could do was roll his eyes at them.

Vic recovered quickly and threw in a suggestion, "We should celebrate this."

"What?" Celebration sounded good to Ray's ears and he wanted to know more.

"Us getting back and our big brother's break up." Vic replied ecstatically.

"Great idea." Kai agreed to the suggestion easily.

"So, what do you have in mind?" Mui wondered loudly. He didn't have any plans for the evening so anything was better than staying alone.

Vic became more excited when all of them nodded 'yes' to his suggestion. "Let's go have food together like the old times and then go clubbing." He presented them with a general idea.

They agreed to the decent plan and left together for their small reunion celebration.

At the restaurant, their discussion gradually turned to their old stories and adventures together. Soon, it went back to the day when a random girl had walked in on one of their music video shoot.

"Guys do you remember when we were shooting the Music Video for 'Breathe' and a girl gate crashed our shoot?" Vic broached the subject trying to test the waters.

"Yes and our big brother here had held her in his arms." Mui supported him. They all wanted to know whether Timo had moved on from the unknown girl.

"Now I remember, she was quite beautiful though." Kai couldn't let the younger members alone shoulder the huge responsibility.

As they were talking about 'that girl'- yes he had decided to call her just that- Timo was lost in her memories once again.

He hadn't told anybody about it but he had fancied that girl and her innocence once but he was not able to find her after that day. Shaking his head he suppressed his wildly running thoughts and joined the conversation the group had started. But he wisely stayed away from engaging in any conversation about her.