
Meanwhile, in another part of the city, at the airport-

"Are you sure about this bro?" Mui asked before he could stop himself.

Timo shot him an irritated glare, "If you ask me this another time I swear I will kill you." He warned the young man.

"Easy there big bro," Vic tried to diffuse the situation, "He is worried about you."

Timo rolled his eyes, "This is the fiftieth time."

Vic wanted to retort, 'you've been counting,' but staying alive was more important than being sarcastic at the moment. Timo was in a foul mood since waking up that morning.

"I don't understand what is the hurry for this tour?" Ray mumbled thoughtfully.

Timo sighed tiredly, "You know why I need to go Ray." He rubbed his temples, "I just can't go on like this."

"I never expected this from you big bro." Kai was annoyed, "I thought you were smarter than this."

"What the hell do you mean?" Timo shot back daring Kai to utter another word. He was a happily married man after all. How could Kai possibly understand Timo's pain?

"You gave up so easily," Ray added fuel to the already raging fire, "Now you are running away."

Timo raised his voice trying to silence the little brats, "No I am not running away!" He exclaimed furiously, his patience was reaching its limit.

"And here I thought you were going for your honeymoon." Vic couldn't hold back the sarcasm anymore. He really did have a death wish.

"Cut it out all of you." Timo sighed and decided to tune them all out.

"I thought you knew her well." Kai was not ready to end this yet.

"Well, now you know that I didn't know her at all." Timo's voice almost broke at the end.

"You gave up without trying." Ray shook his head sadly. This wasn't like his big bro.

"Then what do you expect me to do when she said that she... she…" Timo couldn't speak more. He took a deep breath to calm his jumbled emotions.

"She said something and you believed it without giving it any second thought?" Vic tried to make his brother see reason.

"Huh?" Timo was confused now.

"I didn't know you were this stupid, big bro." Kai scoffed. He had enough of their drama.

Timo had all of a sudden decided to drop everything and run away to some crap promotion. And being their leader he would be left behind to clear the mess. Not that Kai minded but it didn't sit well with him that both Timo and Shew were behaving like two teenagers in love.

"I really am sad that I looked up to you all these years," Mui added in his two cents.

Timo finally lost his patience, "Will you guys spit it out already!!?"

"She said she loved someone and you believed her just like that?" Ray calmly explained, "Keep your pain in the backseat and think about it."

"You are not making any sense to me." Timo stared at their smug faces confused. They definitely knew something which he didn't.

"What was her field of work?" Kai asked the others patiently completely ignoring their big brother.

"Dangerous but fun- she was an assassin." Vic's eyes gleamed with respect.

Mui place a finger under his chin as if contemplating, "What is most important to her?"

Keeping people whom she cares about safe at all costs", Ray glanced at Timo's nose, "She proved that when she broke his long celebrity nose."

"What would make her lie to someone she cares about?" It was Vic's turn to ask the question now.

"Again safety of the people she cares about and herself or something related to her ex-profession," Kai answered smugly.

"Who once told us that she is pretty easy to read?" Ray asked the next question to no one in general.

"Our 'drama queen' big bro here." Vic threw another jab. He would never get another opportunity like this ever.

"Who failed to see through her stupid lie?" Mui went next.

"Once again our fashionista big bro," Ray smirked looking at Timo's red face.

"What did he do after that?" Vic quipped in right after.

"Got drunk, made mess of the bar, hurt himself in the process and most importantly spoke all kinds of nonsense." Ray counted off all the things on his fingers.

"She is a pretty logical person and he is an emotional being. Are they a good match?" Mui asked no one in general. He was only musing to himself.

Kai sighed feeling sad, "That is the sad thing. They are opposites but suit each other well."

"I get it now." Timo scratched the back of his head embarrassed.

"Our hard work finally paid off." Mui patted himself on the back.

"He is still standing here like an idiot." Ray reminded others.

"He is an idiot." Kai rolled his eyes for the nth time.

"I am still here guys." Timo supplied weakly. He was still quite unsure about what he should he do

"That is the problem," Ray said dryly, Go get your girl already. By what I hear she isn't in a better state herself." He added as an afterthought.

"How do you guys know all of this?" Timo's suspicions grew. He was almost sure that they were prying again.

"We have our ways." Mui shrugged nonchalantly.

"Don't tell me Lisa told you this." Timo couldn't believe it. Lisa usually made sour faces at him as if he was some annoying fly.

"Actually-" Vic smirked victoriously, "-Shew herself did."

"Huh?" What was happening? Did he drink so much last night that he lost his mind?

"Listen to this." Ray took pity on the poor confused guy and patted him on the shoulder encouragingly before playing the recording sent by Lisa for the poor man to hear.

Shew's soft yet tired voice was like balm to Timo's bruised heart. She was speaking out all her reasons and it made him actually want to hit her and hug her at the same time.

Although he felt that she was being completely ridiculous he didn't forget it was a big deal for her. Mentally preparing his speech for when he met her, he pulled out the earphones feeling both elated and terrified.

He couldn't speak for a long while and just stared at the guys for answers.

"Lisa helped us." Vic was kind enough to answer.

"We just couldn't bear to see you like that," Kai explained, "Hurt and broken. You scared us good"

"We knew something was fishy so, we planned it last night." Mui continued.

"What are you waiting for now?!" Ray exclaimed feeling irritated.

"You guys are amazing!" Timo jumped up excitedly and grabbed the totally unprepared guys into a bear hug.

He hugged them all and they shared a happy group hug.

"I owe you all a big time." He was grateful for their intervention.

Timo then happily ran out of the private lounge witch an additional spring in his steps.