
"But we don't know exactly where she is right now." Vic tried to calm down his big brother.

Timo by the looks of it was on the verge of losing his sanity. And it mildly scared the people in his vicinity.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Timo narrowed his eyes dangerously at their youngest member. Weren't there devices like a phone to know where she was?

If not for the fact that he lost his phone three days ago in the "accident" he wouldn't have bothered asking anyone before taking off.

"It means that she has lost her cell phone", Mui replied quickly, "And we have no ways to contact her."

"What the-"

"Mui call and ask Lisa before he does something stupid." Ray cut Timo's words off.

Mui nodded and fished out his phone, "Ok wait a bit-" Timo waited patiently while the phone rang, "Hey Lisa-"

Timo snatched the phone from Mui's hands before he could greet her properly.

Mui frowned, clearly not happy with his elder brother, "You really have to stop doing that."

Timo returned his phone annoyed, "There is no signal on this!" He turned to Vic, "Drive to Shew's home."

"As you say, captain." Vic conceded without a fight. It wouldn't bode well for his health to anger Timo.

After thirty minutes the quintet was standing in front of the locked door. Shew was not home.

Timo stomped his foot on the floor huffing, "Damn it!" The feeling of dread was gradually increasing in his gut.

Kai looked at Timo from his periphery and sighed, "Mui, do you know where Lisa lives?"

Mui nodded, "Of course I know. It is just a few blocks away from here."

Timo looked up happily, "Then let's go there." And he took off, dragging Mui behind him. The remaining trio was left behind watching the amusing scene.

"He has officially lost it," Ray stated.

"Yup!" The other two agreed.

They followed them in the car while Timo ran on foot to Lisa's home. Mui was mercilessly dragged behind him.

"You know we could have taken the car with others." Mui wheezed out after they came to a stop in front of Lisa's door.

Timo ignored him and urgently knocked on the door.

Mui looked around worried, Timo was going to break the door like this. "You are going to get us beaten up big bro." He muttered nervously.

"Whoo the-" Lisa opened the door quite ready to straighten it out with the person who was on the other side. She stopped short looking at Timo and her anger turned into annoyance, "Oh! It's you?" She glared at the duo and the remaining trio in the car, "Weren't you in the hospital or something?"

"They couldn't keep him there." Vic chimed in, stepping down from the vehicle. He looked awfully cheerful amongst the quintet.

Kai and Ray exchanged quiet and meaningful looks with each other.

Timo didn't bother with others, "Where is Shew?" He almost screamed at Lisa.

Lisa was confused but she answered anyway, "she went to the cemetery which is just around the block here."

"Tell them everything, Lisa!" Timo took off shouting the words. He trusted his brothers with his life and knew it was safe to share the secrets with them. Moreover, he knew that the guys will try to figure it out on their own and end up in a mess.

"Everything?" Lisa was confused for a moment. She then looked at the four pairs of eyes staring at her expectantly and it clicked.

"About Shew," Kai spoke her thoughts out loud.

"O-ok." Lisa sighed and went into the house muttering and waving for others to follow, "Come in all of you. It's going to be a long afternoon after all. Couldn't this girl fall for someone normal? No, she had to be in love with that mad man."

The guys heard her muttering and laughed at the truth of her statement.


Timo found Shew in the cemetery sitting in front of two graves. Seeing her small frame sent a wave of relief through his heart. He could finally rest his worries.

As quietly as possible he went and sat on his knees behind her. He put his hands on her shoulders. She leaned back on his chest, with her eyes closed. Shew was aware of his presence the moment he came. Her senses were sharp and she was attuned to him.

The first thing that Timo noticed was her peaceful face. She was back to being his girl. The girl with whom he was head over heels in love with. Not the bloodthirsty demon he had witnessed days ago.

"They are my parents."

Shew's soft voice brought him out of his trance. There was a slight tremor to her otherwise controlled voice, which betrayed the pain she was feeling. Timo ran his hands in circles on her shoulders to comfort her.

She started to talk with her eyes still closed. He tightened his hold on her once reassuringly. "It happened on the day we first met. When I returned home that evening my life was thrown into this darkness."


Five years ago,

When she switched on the lights she was horrified to find her house in complete disarray. Everything was broken and scattered on the floor. There was even blood on the walls.

Shew grew incredibly nervous. With shaking legs she went further into the house which reeked of death. She started to look for her parents but they were nowhere to be seen. She tried to call for them but her the fear had paralyzed her voice.

She reached their bedroom and was even more shocked to see her father lying in a pool of blood. Her legs gave out and she came down to the floor in shock. She crawled over to his body weakly with tears flowing in her eyes. She shook him, called out to him, screamed at him but he didn't wake up.

In between her cries she registered someone groaning from the bathroom. It was weak but she instantly knew it was her mother. With heavy legs, She went into the bathroom only to see her mother also lying in a pool of blood but she was still holding onto her last breath. Her beautiful face was marred with wounds, her impeccable hairs were messed up and her body was mangled.

"MOM!" Shew's horrified scream rang through the cold empty house.

Rose, Shew's mother weakly opened her eyes to look at her sweet daughter. "S-Shew!" She whispered brokenly and struggled to smile at her. She was relieved that her daughter was safe. "C-come here" Rose whispered weakly.

Shew took her mother's head in her lap. She didn't know what she should do to take away her pain. She was trying to be as cautious as possible so as to not agitate her wounds. "Mom let me call the ambulance" She begged through her tears.

Rose shook her head weakly, "N-no, it's ok darling." Rose gazed at her daughter once again longingly, "S-Shew I d-don't have much t-time baby." She struggled to get those words out.

"No, mom! Don't say that." Shew was crying wiping her mother's tears. her vision was blurred but she was feeling utterly helpless.

"Sh-shhh don't cry dear." Rose weakly tried to lift her hand but failed to do so. She couldn't feel her hands anymore, "I will a-always b-be with y-you in y-your h-heart."

"Who did this Mom?!" Shew asked coldly. She needed to know which monster took her parents' lives.

Rose felt her life slipping away, "I-Ian" she whispered weakly.

Shew was stunned, "Mom stay with me." She cupped her mother's face in panic, "Nothing will happen to you."

"Y-Your father's diary." Rose tried hard to fight the darkness waiting to consume her. She had one last thing to do.

"Mom we will see it later." Shew tried to reason through her tears.

Rose weakly shook her head. She was seeing spots in front of her eyes, "N-No, b-bring it n-now."

Shew left her mother reluctantly and hurriedly brought her father's diary. She couldn't understand anything but she couldn't agitate her mother either. She could only hope for some miracle or some helping hand.

Rose looked at Shew sweetly, "A-Always hold on to it Shew, y-you w-will need it one d-day." Rose once again tried to pat her daughter's cheek but she couldn't, "A-Always be s-strong b-baby. We a-are really p-proud o-of you."

Rose Parker took her last breath with those parting words to her daughter.

Shew couldn't believe what she just saw. Her mind went into shock. Holding her father's diary to her chest she made it till the doorway of their room until she lost hold of her consciousness and fell to the ground.

When Shew woke up a few days had already passed and she was in a facility.

After her recovery, it was revealed to her that her parents were spies. They had gotten proofs against some monstrous people in the system being involved in terrorism, narcotics and trafficking. His best friend and colleague Ian Strauss had back-stabbed him.