Princess Alexa of Kielstadt

The festivities at the castle began with the arrival of the bride. The ladies threw flower petals when Alexa got out of the carriage, closely followed by the First Prince. Klaus remained a few steps back the whole time, respectfully, beside Father Gianpietro. They accompanied her to an antechamber. Court ladies were waiting to greet her before the coronation ceremony.

The expression of joy of Maria and Edel, her ladies-in-wait, was so genuine that the damsel smiled and decided to put the worrying thoughts out of her mind for at least a few hours. Alexa just saved her plans for another moment. She should find a way to bring her husband, Alexander, back. And be as Klaus wished, happy beside her husband. Alexa at least got the certainty that they would return to the subject the next morning, since they were interested in what she could say. She also wanted to get more information.