Tricking Death

The captain of the lighthouse guard interposed the First Prince's route into the lighthouse, with his hand over the hilt of the sword, warning a second time,

"Even the Prince is prohibited from entering this lighthouse. We just followed His Majesty's orders,"

Klaus snarled, drawing his sword quickly,

"You have a choice, Captain. Maybe die the day after tomorrow after seeing your wife and kids again, or die in two minutes from now."

The men around them made room, since the Prince and Duke, who also drew his sword, seemed willing to make way or die.

~ What bullies, ~ grumbled Alexander, now free again and sheltered in Alexa's hood, next to her neck.

"It's a good way to bargain without losing one's pride, in reality," Alexa pondered, following just behind Klaus as they climbed the lighthouse's spiral staircase.