Then and Back to Her Body

At dawn, Alexa was ready to leave and paid attention to the sensations, watching the sunrise from the window of her tower, or rather, the tower where the Sleeping Prince was kept as a precious treasure.

When the first lights of dawn tinted the sky, she felt the connection with this body weaken. As if it was 'taken off' from matter and swiftly, when her eyes saw the majestic glow of the sun rising over the horizon, her consciousness was swallowed up in the darkness, as if a mysterious and inevitable force pulled her back violently.

The next step was to feel the impact of her consciousness on her own body, and emerge into the world of mortals again.

When she opened her eyes, the maiden looked at the rich curtain around her, and knew she was in the Duke's castle. Everything was in place. Her little hands and all her old little things. No appendix which required incredible care and caution with.