She recognized Narses' voice in the smoke and cries of the slaves. Beside her, General Doukas reached for his blade quickly.
Her only thought was to get out of Doukas' reach as quickly as possible, and Alexa threw herself to the floor, crawling to a corner and away from the bed. She heard the clash of swords, and when she looked up, she saw the oil from the lamps igniting with the flames as they fell on the sumptuous rugs and drapes of the room.
"Alexa!" another familiar voice called her.
Was Iacintho there too?! Her heart could not humanly beat faster than it already was, but the realization of what was happening renewed her spirits.
Her brothers had come for her!
The consequences of this insurgence were a complete disgrace for the Dallassenos family, yet they had come to rescue her!