Out the Cage

Had she really heard a mournful and chilling cry?

The room was suddenly silent, everyone apparently paying close attention, trying to listen to something else.

It hadn't just been Alexa to hear the lament.

The housekeeper dropped the porcelain tureen to the floor, and it shattered with a loud sound. At a glance, the Princess could have sworn she saw a nervous and suspicious reaction in the French knight's eyes, but it was very brief. Klaus exchanged a look with Alexa, but she didn't have much to say.

She just felt like she heard a voice calling, and apparently, everyone had the same impression.

The owner of the house, however, avoided commenting on his housekeeper overturning the soup tureen in front of such important guests, and invited,

"Why don't we sit at the table for supper? I am ashamed of offering a so poor and unworthy reception... I'm not worth receiving such important princes in my humble abode..."