Alexa, the Succubus

The candlelight flickered when Klaus stood up, throwing his crucifix on the bed in a frustrated and angry gesture.

He had spent the last hour on his knees, and Alexa had no idea how she knew that. Was she dreaming?

And if she was dreaming, this was the best dream ever!

In fact, Alexa didn't usually remember her dreams after she woke up, but this one she wanted to record in her memory, so she paid attention to details.

He had bandages on his left arm up to his shoulder, and some purple marks on his chest and the opposite shoulder, but he seemed unaffected by it.

His face was drawn and thoughtful, brows furrowed. The hardness of his expression made his face even more chiseled, and his Adam's apple moved from time to time as if it were difficult to swallow whatever was going on in his mind.

Klaus reached out and let the towel around his waist fall, showing pain and placing his hand on his bandaged shoulder.

Alexa gasped.