The Troupe

The Princess had discovered with some humor that the troupe of artists blamed Prince Klaus for having canceled the 'grand marriage' to Cordelia.

Klaus was shocked to be charged so shamelessly by those people, and even more, at a time like that!

They had come to Kielstadt specifically to attend the festivities, and to be paid for their performances...

But everything changed suddenly, and they weren't paid, as they were not needed.

Charges and accusations increased and become louder, while the Prince just listened to them in silence, with an annoyed frown.

"You need to compensate us!"

"We invested our money to go to Kielstadt, now we are broken!"

"Yes, it's not our fault you canceled the wedding!"

"And then witches burned, and the city flooded, we couldn't even stay to make some money before we left the city!"

Alexa realized that Klaus was getting irritated, and put herself next to him,