The Third Holy Grail War (Part 5)

"I am impressed, O'Beautiful lady, I didn't know that you were a ruler!"

Darkness descended upon the city of Fuyuki as the second night of the Third Holy Grail War arrived. Lancer and Rider were navigating through the streets side by side. A barely hidden irritated expression could be seen on Boudica's face while Fionn was ever so joyful.

"A great queen of the past! Then may I know your country of origin?" The long-haired man gave the red-haired woman a gentlemanly smile.

"No, Lancer. It's unfortunate but I cannot tell you my true name." Rather than feeling flattered, the swordswoman felt even more revolted by the annoying womanizer.

However, she did not know. Although Fionn was simply flirting with Boudica, he was actually following the orders of Darnic, which is to find out Rider's identity. The Leader of the Knights of Fianna may be a hopeless womanizer, but he is also a proper knight, one who knows what to do and what not to do when expected.

"Ah, then it's truly unfortunate. You have to know, I have never once forgotten the names of the beautiful ladies I have met in my life. If you were to tell me your name, it would forever be etched in my heart!" Fionn's smile grew deeper.

"Even though I am a hero of divine origin, I am-" The blonde man decided to shut his mouth at that moment because he perceived the existences of two familiar figures a block away. He wasn't just fawning over the redhead beside him, he was in fact on alert with his Clairvoyance the whole time.

"We've got enemies. It's the two sir knights from last night." Fionn turned solemn and his spear, Mac an Luin, materialized in his hand. Seeing the man's abrupt change, Boudica followed his act and her armaments appeared as well.

"So you have detected us." The two Sabers stepped out from behind a nearby house. They have similarly discovered the pair and crossed over 300 meters in only a few seconds.

"Thankfully, our Masters are quite the competent ones, you see." The younger Lancelot stated. The Sabers did not have any long-range perception abilities, but their Masters do.

"No more words are needed. Let us continue yesterday's duel." The black knight raised Arondight and stood in a sword stance. He then bolted towards Fionn, his blade aiming for the man's wrist.

"So hasty-" The blonde man lifted his two-handed spear and deflected the blow. "-but I like it!" He grinned and counterattacked by slashing down. Pressurized water came into being near the spear head and the older Lancelot was smashed away til he hit a nearby building.

At the same time the black knight was thrown back, Fionn flared up his Prana and erected a people-repelling Bounded Field. It wouldn't do them any good if some random passerby were to spot them, right?

On the other side, the younger Saber swung his holy sword and pushed Boudica further from where the other two were. They were going to their own field of combat so that they wouldn't disturb others with their own.

The Leader of the Knights of Fianna sidestepped the black knight's strike. He then created blades of water as they beaten the Saber down to the ground. "Come on, Servant! Face me like a real knight!" The spear's back slammed into Lancelot and he was thrown away once again.

The Knight of the Lake gritted his teeth and clenched his sword. He knew that he was outclassed by the irksome Lancer because he wasn't summoned at full power. He could deal with his opponent's strength, but he was simply horribly outmatched in the battle of speed.

Lancers are known as the fastest class, and the parameters of a divine hero summoned as the fastest class must be above A rank. It doesn't matter how great the force behind his sword is if he can't even land a blow on his enemy.

His does not have access to Arondight's Anti-Army form. It's truly frustrating because the slash of light is an area of effect attack and can definitely hit Fionn. His other Noble Phantasm is even more useless. Why would he discard an A-Rank holy sword for some random junk that counted as a D-Rank Noble Phantasm?

"Hah!" Prana overflowed Arondight. Yes, he couldn't use the ultimate attack, but he could still use the sword to unleash smaller large area attacks. "Guide me and my homeland, Arondight: The Unfading Light of the Lake!"

Blue brilliance covered the holy sword and the stream of Mana collided with the incoming Lancer. However, Fionn merely snickered as more streams of water from his spear and Magecraft crashed into the light of Arondight.

The blue brilliance were annihilated by the highly pressurized water. The blonde man navigated through the fog created by their exchange and Mac an Luin headed for the black knight's head. Before the spear could penetrate the older Lancelot's helmet, he disappeared and leaving Fionn alone in the streets.

"Spatial Transporation... Command Seal?" The Leader of the Knights of Fianna frowned. All he saw earlier was a flicker of red glow and the black knight was gone. "What a coward- No, this is a war. It's not a duel between heroes, but a tournament with an ultimate prize for the Mages."

"Nonetheless, I now know the identity of the two Sabers." He glanced to the side, where Boudica and the other Saber were. "Lancelot, huh?"

"Lancer." Darnic's voice came through their mental link.

"Oh, Master. What do you need?"

"Good job finding out the Sabers' true name. I am currently tracking the black knight's Master, and Kaito is looking for Anneline. Please go assist Rider and defeat the other Saber. It's too dangerous to leave them around."

"Understood, Master." Sure, Fionn doesn't like ganging up on a single person. However, he also know that the act of letting such a good chance slip away will certainly cause it to come back and bite him later.


"What was that, Saber?!"

An enraged shout came out of a mansion located close to the Fuyuki Church.

"You couldn't even land a single blow on Lancer, and I even had to use a Command Seal to save you!" Eineline snapped at the kneeling Servant. Her glare burned through Lancelot as he lowered his head in shame.

"You really-" The young woman closed her mouth and breathed in deeply. She understood that there was no point admonishing the black knight any longer since he's surely aware of his failures.

"Fine. Just don't disappoint me the next time, Saber." Eineline frowned and stopped glaring at the kneeling man. Her vision returned to the red tea in her hand. "I guess I'll have to warn Annelia of your defeat before her Servant is teamed up by those two..." She lifted the cup and took a sip. "...or do I?"

Ah. It has already turned cold.


"Argh!" The purple knight crashed into the ground.

The areas surrounding him were devastated by the fight between him and the red-haired woman. He was holding his own without much effort against Rider... Until Lancer decided to join in the fray.

He was smashed by torrents of water, and was ambushed as a two-meter-long spear cut through his armor and badly wounded him in the side. More water blades were hurled at him and he narrowly avoided them using his holy sword as a shield.

Excluding the spear's power, the magical attack was clearly not High-Thaumaturgy yet they still managed to injure him when he has B-Rank Magic Resistance. The power of the spells were obviously decreased, so it must have been imbued by minor Divinity since that's the only way Lancer could have harmed him.

"Stand down, Rider." Just as Boudica was going to intercept Fionn, Kaito's voice sounded out in her mind and she froze. "Lancer is here to help you. Cooperate with him and defeat Saber."

"But, Master-"

"This is an order, Rider. Or do you perhaps want me to use a precious Command Spell just to make you follow my orders?"

"...I understand, Master."


Boudica gritted her teeth and pointed her sword at Lancelot. "I am sorry, Saber, but this is Master's orders." Her hands were clenched and trembling in humiliation while her expression turned to one of complete indignation.

"I appreciate your honesty so don't be trouble by it, My Lady." Lancelot smiled and nodded. He lifted Arondight and parried Fionn's downward slash. A quick jab and a thrust for his neck quickly followed. "Ugh...!" The purple knight knight defend himself with his gauntlet and lifted his shoulder to avoid being fatally injured.

Whoosh! A barrage of Mana projectiles fired towards him. The younger Saber took it head on and swung his holy sword to deflect the advancing water stream. He then used the chance to distance himself away from the grinning Lancer and the solemn Rider.

'Looks like I can't stand my ground against the both of them any longer...' The purple knight inhaled to calm himself down. "Master, shall I fall back? You may need to use a Command Seal since I'm not confident at escaping."

"No, Saber. I'll now use a Command Seal to power you up."

"But Master, I'm not sure if I can defeat the both of them even if my strength were to rise by a level-" Lancelot went silent and widened his eyes at the sudden increased power. "Master, did you just...?"

"I used two Command Seals. Please be victorious, Saber."

"You shouldn't have done that, Master! Command Spells are extremely precious and vital to-"

"I know that, Saber, so please be sure to kill the two opponents in front of you. A Command Seal per Servant, it's a fair exchange, right?"

"...Your wish is my command, My Lady." Lancelot smiled and stepped forward with determination. He sped up and instantly appeared next to Boudica, surprising the red-haired woman. She was hammered by the purple knight and crashed into a nearby building.

"You-" The grin was wiped off Fionn's face. He quickly raised his spear and summoned water whips to assault the younger Saber. However, the spells didn't work at all. They were decimated by a single swing of Arondight while the purple knight jumped up and bolted at the blonde man using a nearby pole as support.

Lancer took the strike head on and almost dropped Mac an Luin. 'Such strength?!' He gritted his teeth at the difference of strength. No, not only his strength, but his speed and endurance were promoted massively as well.

Knowing that he was now outclassed, Fionn went on the defensive and prepared to counterattack. 'It's time to finally use you...' He glanced at his two-handed spear and smiled. It's fine, he has already received the consent of his Master too.

'Is he going to...?' Noticing Fionn sudden change, Lancelot leaped away and narrowed his eyes. At that moment, Boudica came out of a ruined house. She seemed to be injured because her buckler was unequipped and her arm was hanging limply in the air.

"Uh- I see." The red-haired queen scanned the streets and understood the situation. She then turned to Fionn and quickly receive a nod of confirmation. "Master... I'll have to use my Noble Phantasm."

"...Hm. Okay, you have my permission. However, I do not have enough Prana so I'll have to power you up with a Command Seal. Do not fail me."

Boudica immediately felt herself being controlled by an invisible force. "O'Goddess of Victory, please lend me your strength!" Her sword glowed blue and magical energy started flowing around it.

"Now is the time for a glorious victory!" Fionn took a step back and stood in a stance with his spear pointed forward. "This is the one blow that has slain fallen gods. Taste it with that body, Knight of the Lake!" Water Elemental from all over the city went on a rampage as they traveled and gathered at the two-handed spear's tip.

"Oath to my King!" Other the other side, Lancelot raised his sword to the sky and blue light congregated. "Reaching the very end, beyond the boundaries. Warrior on the other side, look at this light!" Vast amount of magical energy created a tiny hurricane while the gale blew to form a unforgettable storm.

This was a clash of Noble Phantasms, the illustrious weapons wielded by heroes from legends and myths, something which will be recorded in the history of the world and forever be remembered by the ones of the future.

"Sword of Boudica: Sword Without Promised Victory!"

"Mac an Luin: Undefeated Violet Flower!"

A barrage of Mana projectiles many times greater and more powerful than ones Boudica used shot out of her glowing sword. At the same time, a stream of water controlled by the god of war himself fired out from Fionn's spear and headed straight towards the purple knight.

"Arondight - Overload: Breaking All Restraints - Overloaded Light of the Lake!"

Arondight howled and the blue light illuminated the entire streets with its brilliance. Lancelot leaped into the air and swung his sword down on the other two Heroic Spirits.

The moment the Divine Construct came into contact with the stream of water and barrage of Mana projectiles, a river of vast magical energy overflowed and swallowed the whole block with its blue radiance.

The sky darkened by the impossible strikes and every houses in the area were annihilated. The Masters sharing their Servants vision watched in shock and horror as they finally realized what they have chosen to be involved in.

This is the Holy Grail War. The war which summoned figures who have transcended beyond humanity down to the earth once more to fight to the death.

The beams of lights clashed ceaselessly. The heat alone melted all metals and concretes to liquid while the region's Mana experienced an enormous decrease since they have all assembled at this district.

After a few seconds, the exchange between the colossal tempests finally settled down, leaving only a wrecked neighborhood. The state of the zone was appalling. It's as if the city have suffered bombardments from both heavy artillery and bomber planes for several days.

"Haah, haah, haah." The three Servants were panting heavily. They were all greatly wounded by each other's Noble Phantasms. Although no one was dead, their Prana were completely depleted and their Masters have also suffered a similar fate.

Even Annelia, someone who has high quality and quantity of Magic Circuits, was burnt out from the usage of an A++ rank Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. She had to sustain her Servant's earlier fight, and now she was even forced to use her jewels to supply her emptied Prana reserves.

"So, this is, a Heroic Spirit?" The young woman panted in an alley a few blocks away. "How... How terrifying..."


Meanwhile, a young man was in deep contemplation. His arm were on the table and his hand were in the infamous finger-tenting posture.

Do I let this chance go? The three are all clearly exhausted. Their Masters must have wasted a couple Command Seals as well. It's three Servants. Three Servants, Fenric! Are you going to just watch them retreat?

Should I do it? Is it worth it? Should I just use Archer's Noble Phantasm? What if the enemies use more Command Spells? What are the possibilities of me killing all of them in once go? No, what are the possibilities of me meeting three exhausted Servants in the first place?

Arash can deal with Boudica easily. Lancelot can also be killed with enough time. The problem is Fionn mac Cumhaill... No, let us analyze the situation more calmly. My Memory Partition has reached four rooms last month, so let's stop all their works and let them process it.

Yes, at the moment Lancelot is the easiest one to kill. His increased parameters from the Command Seals used earlier should have disappeared already. Fionn is harder to kill with his Clairvoyance. He will see the incoming attacks even if it's beyond the speed of sound because he can manipulate his own sense of time.

Boudica is both the easiest and hardest to kill. She has A-Rank Battle Continuation, but Archer's arrows are faster than her speed. Unless Kaito used a Command Spell, Boudica can be killed in a short while.

So I need to prioritize one of them. The most useful one when dead, that is. Firstly, Fionn is out. I know that he will lose against Amakusa Shirou Tokisada in the future and it's better to not mess with the showdown between those two.

Lancer has great Skills but I can also get useless ones. Even though he has three Noble Phantasms and I can remove Skills from my Skill list whenever I want to, it's still not worth it to bet on him. Not to mention that he is hard to kill and I am pretty sure Darnic still has three Command Seals left.

The rewards from eliminating Boudica is quite average. Her Noble Phantasms and Skills lean towards team battles, and I am someone who prefers to do my tasks alone. However, A-Rank Battle Continuation is really tempting.

Lastly, my lake-loving cuckold boy. Magic Resistance, Riding, Eternal Arms Mastership, Protection of the Fairies... With the exception of Knight of the Lake, everything else is useful. Moreover, there's Arondight... And I have double the chance to get it because the Anti-Army version can't be used without the holy sword itself.

Additionally, didn't the younger sister lose her Servant early in the war as well? I guess it's decided. Haha.


"By the power of this Command Spell, I order you, Archer..."